Analyze the five components of emotional intelligence and their relationship to transformational leadership.

Factors Impacting Team Leadership. 1. Analyze the five components of emotional intelligence and their relationship to transformational leadership. 2. Discuss how to use transformational leadership combined with the use of emotional intelligence to improve a situation involving teams at work. 3. Distinguish between transactional, situational, and transformational leadership and the usefulness of each in impacting … Read more

Present a 2-3 page report on methods the company can use to prevent and help plan for a potential crisis that may erupt.

Scenario. You have been hired as an advisor to a CEO and her small company that hasproduced a health care product that has the potential to cause controversy with the media and other competitive stakeholders. Present a 2-3 page report on methods the company can use to prevent and help plan for a potential crisis … Read more

Focus the proposal to develop human resources on one of the following: employee orientation, training and development, or performance appraisal.

Developing Human Resources. Propose how the organization should develop the human resources (attracted in the previous section) in order to support the change. Focus the proposal to develop human resources on one of the following: employee orientation, training and development, or performance appraisal. Explain how the proposed efforts develop human resources to bring about the … Read more

Chose a publicly-traded company.What is your company’s principal business activity

Publicly-traded company Chose a publicly-traded company and answered a series of questions on that company. 1: What is your company’s principal business activity? 2: Who is the CFO? What is his/her accounting background? Give as much detail here as you can find. 3: Is your company managing any ethical issues presently? If so, how do … Read more

Develop a 3 page section on marketing, distribution, pricing and market share.

Marketing Nothing happens until you have sales. Can you identify your customers; do they have money to purchase; what do they have to change to purchase your product or service; do you have a way to reach them; how will you get your product to them? Develop a 3 page section on marketing, distribution, pricing … Read more

Describe if and by how much costs will fall as volume increases. Do these costs savings provide a barrier to entry?

Business Plan: Production The critical issue here is how you intend to produce your product or service. Focus on keeping capital expenditures low to minimize the start-up risk. Describe if and by how much costs will fall as volume increases. Do these costs savings provide a barrier to entry? Create a 3-page section on how … Read more

In one page , describe and detail how many potential customers you have spoken with and what feedback they have given you. What changes have you made as a result of that interaction?

Customer Discovery to Date In one page , describe and detail how many potential customers you have spoken with and what feedback they have given you. What changes have you made as a result of that interaction? What have you learned so far? The potential customer group can include the feedback you got from the … Read more

Choose a difference that you find surprising or that you think might be challenging to remember and practice as you are learning business writing and discuss why you find this difference particularly surprising and/or challenging.

Business In the Oregon State University resource on business writing style, review carefully the table showing differences between academic and business writing styles. Choose a difference that you find surprising or that you think might be challenging to remember and practice as you are learning business writing and discuss why you find this difference particularly … Read more

Entrepreneurship : Base this on a real want/need in the market that you researched and validated as a real need in the marketplace.Create a business plan.

Entrepreneurship. You are an entrepreneur starting your own company and planning to market this product yourself. It would help if you had a great business plan to gain financing for your business, agree on all details, and use it as a roadmap and guideline for launching it and being successful. Base this on a real … Read more