What are some of the key success factors related to location decision?

Based on the forecast, will the production/service level increase or decrease in the future? Why Operation Management Research Group • Names : • Name of company: Example: Saudi Airline Company Name • Introduction • Location • Production • Main competitors Forecasting • What is forecasting? • Why forecasting is important. • The company in which … Read more

How much of the $800,000 in stocks is the new corporation entitled to cancel. Discuss.

Would like to hold each of the three owners of the business personally liable. Discussion David Walker and Robert Hudson were best friends and business partners. They paid $500,000 in cash for an old warehouse. Later, they received an appointment as promoters for a new corporation that would manufacture artificial arms. The corporation need a … Read more

Provide a brief background of the company and provide TRENDS that actually exist that would cause a question or concern.

Knowledge in Financial Statement Analysis This assignment is based on a company that committed accounting fraud. The two pdfs attached is the work done regarding this company. Required: Based on the pdfs, provide a brief background of the company and provide TRENDS that actually exist that would cause a question or concern. The trend technique … Read more

What evidence, law, fact, etc. in favor of the other side is the most damaging to your case(carter) ? Why?

Brookson v. Carter, Defendant’s Worksheet DEFENDANT’S WORKSHEET FOR TRIAL Fred Brookson, a lifelong resident of Klamath Falls, Oregon, has hired your firm to file suit against Wendell Carter for injuries sustained as a result of an incident that occurred in southern Oregon. About three months ago, Brookson and his wife, Ellen, from whom he is … Read more

develops a conceptual model that supports and aligns supply chain strategies with organizational culture and leadership styles.

Enhancing Supply Chain Practices The summary of the article states: “This article develops a conceptual model that supports and aligns supply chain strategies with organizational culture and leadership styles.” QUESTION TO ANSWER: How does it do that? Summarize your understanding with citations from the article.    

If you choose to keep the name, why do you think the name, “Jones”, will resonate with the consumers in this country?

Determine 2 countries where you believe Jones Soda will do successfully. PROMOTE JONES SODA Objective: Promotional Activities appears to be the easiest element of Marketing 4P. However, it has its own challenges: Social Media is quite prominent, but not all platforms of social media are available throughout the world Internet is not necessarily available or … Read more

What is your best judgment of consumers’ perceived value for product such as foreign brand (especially American brand) tomato ketchup?

Global Marketing emphasis the importance of research to avoid assumptions based on ethnocentrism. PRICE JAMBA JUICE, DEL MONTE, COCA COLA Objective: Price is the only element in the Marketing 4P that generates revenue. Product, Place, and Promotion all cost money. Price is the only element that makes money, but perhaps the most intricate. Income Per … Read more

Describe the core opportunity, highlight the value proposition/opportunity and their accomplishments.

Discussion 5 Write up that supports your decision about the issue faced by the protagonist in any one of the cases. limit your paper to two pages of single space text in 11-point font, all inclusive of appendices and calculations, if appropriate. No outside research is needed to analyze the cases. Describe the core opportunity, … Read more

What are some of the reasons why employees fail to disclose their mental health experiences in the workplace?

Video Analysis Essay Guidelines  (50 points total) Each student is required to respond to a series of questions related to the video posted. Students must answer each question in depth and demonstrate learning and understanding. Instructions: Watch the following video and respond to the questions below in as much detail as possible. Video: https://youtu.be/pjRO0QcvPJI What … Read more