A Priori Power Analysis : Calculate the estimated sample size needed when given the following factors

 A Priori Power Analysis https://www.psychologie.hhu.de/arbeitsgruppen/allgemeine-psychologie-und-arbeitspsychologie/gpower.html Download the G*Power software provided, and then use the software to submit the following: a. Calculate the estimated sample size needed when given the following factors: • one-tailed t-test with two independent groups of equal size • small effect size (see Piasta, S.B., & Justice, L.M., 2010) • alpha =.05 … Read more

Sample Selection : Recommend the steps that should be taken to draw the particular sample described below.

Sample Selection Recommend the steps that should be taken to draw the particular sample described below. Format your response as a procedure. a. A stratified sample of 75 doctors, 75 lawyers and 75 engineers who belong to a professional organization in that you belong to. b. A simple random sample of 150 subscribers to your … Read more

Research and compose a paper on a company of your own choice for research in this Environmental Scanning interactive assignment.

Environmental Scanning interactive assignment. Research and compose a paper on a company of your own choice for research in this Environmental Scanning interactive assignment. Also watch the video How to Perform a SWOT Analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_161788243&feature=iv&src_vid=GNXYI10Po6A&v=I_6AVRGLXGA (2016). In approximately 250 words:

Write a paper about “Globalizing Public Relations.” Identify one corporation located outside the US that has modified its products and marketing strategies to local tastes to satisfy consumers’ needs.

Globalization Write a paper about “Globalizing Public Relations.” Identify one corporation located outside the US that has modified its products and marketing strategies to local tastes to satisfy consumers’ needs. In your paper, include the following information: A definition of the term “globalization.” Your own interpretation of this term. Explain this term using your own … Read more

DEI and CSR Initiatives : What is the company’s position on DEI? Do they have a clear policy or initiative around it?

DEI and CSR Initiatives In the marketplace, companies that have diverse project teams get varied perspectives that help the overall project. Just as important, companies that “give back” to the communities they service do better and are supported by millennial buyers—a big target segment for many companies. For your initial post, research your selected company’s … Read more

Read “Workplace Readiness” document PDF attached and write a one-page summary of what you believe are the readiness points that you have and those that need improvement.

Workplace Readiness Read “Workplace Readiness” document PDF attached and write a one-page summary of what you believe are the readiness points that you have and those that need improvement. Also, include what you plan to do to work on the improvements.

Describe the importance of networks in supporting you and your business.

Importance of Networks. According to Misner and Davis (1998), a business network is a strategically and systematically selected group of individuals who can be relied upon for referrals, knowledge, and support in vital areas of business.Discuss. Describe the importance of networks in supporting you and your business.