Explain two macro- economic factors that your chosen business will need to consider and the influences these could have on its business outputs

Scenario: Sir Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Group which owns a number of businesses ranging from Virgin Atlantic airlines to Virgin media. Sir Richard Branson is well known for the growth and success of his businesses, however due to the global pandemic the founder is in need for cash to keep all its … Read more

Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables.

Statistics Analysis. Insert a new column in the database that corresponds to “Annual Sales.” Annual Sales is the result of multiplying a restaurant’s “SqFt.” by “Sales/SqFt.” Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables. Create a box-plot for the “Annual Sales” variable. Does it look symmetric? … Read more

Who are the stakeholders in this and how might they be affect by Apple’s decision?

Apple and the FBI Apple and the FBI have two separate incidences where the FBI has asked Apple to break into an iPhone in a terrorist investigation where that phone may contain information that could prevent another terrorist attack. You are Tim Cook and you have to decide how to respond to the FBI’s latest … Read more

dentify and discuss the ethical issue(s) related to USAA and Shake Shack.

Case Scenario: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic required Americans to shelter in place thus causing the U.S. economy to freeze-up, resulting in millions of lost jobs. The U.S. Congress passed legislation to try and limit the economic damage. Included in the legislation was a stimulus package that would give $1,200 to single tax filers … Read more

Describe the organizational culture of the organization of your choice.What is the organization’s mission and vision?

Organizational Culture and Leadership Describe the organizational culture of the organization of your choice.What is the organization’s mission and vision? How have you seen the organization’s mission and vision reflected in daily activities such as communication, management approaches, priorities, and so on? What does the organization value? Describe the impact of culture and leadership on … Read more

Choose one market disruption problem then develop an argumentative statement which identifies the associated independent and dependent variables that are measurable, testable, and meaningful.

Market disruption problem Choose one market disruption problem then develop an argumentative statement which identifies the associated independent and dependent variables that are measurable, testable, and meaningful. Use APA Style Guide.

Who will you ask for feedback from within the company? How do you plan to seek and address feedback and concerns from these sources within the company?

Feedback Loops. Feedback loops are an important tool in making sure your product or service meets or exceeds the business and customer expectations. Your business model should include strategies explaining how you will seek and implement feedback from different sources, with a focus on establishing constructive feedback loops that will help improve your product or … Read more