In other words, in what areas has the government cut spending and in what areas has the government increased spending in recent decades?

 Government Spending and Taxation 1.In other words, in what areas has the government cut spending and in what areas has the government increased spending in recent decades? 2.Determine if this change in government spending and composition will help Americans achieve a higher living standard. Be sure to support all opinions with research.Democracy can survive if … Read more

Investigate the potential of setting up a small business that matches your own personal interests or skills and write a Business Plan to create a sustainable and viable business.

Business Plan Investigate the potential of setting up a small business that matches your own personal interests or skills and write a Business Plan to create a sustainable and viable business. This is a 2000 words Report and should be written on the third person.

Locate, evaluate and use information from multiple sources to critically appraise the financial performance and position of companies in the light of their strategic and operational objectives.

Companies Analysis. Locate, evaluate and use information from multiple sources to critically appraise the financial performance and position of companies in the light of their strategic and operational objectives. Identify the main sources of company finance and the consequences of different capital structures.  

Utilize all your research from this course and prepare an ethical initiative for your organization.

Ethical violations Assume your organization has experienced a few ethical violations over the past six months. Some were considered quite severe. You have been tasked by senior leadership to prepare a proposal for an ethical initiative for your organization. Utilize all your research from this course and prepare an ethical initiative for your organization. What … Read more

Demonstrate your understanding of price elasticity of demand (PED) and its value in calculating a desired margin, and the factors that make the demand for a good more elastic.

Demand. Describe the law of demand, consumer surplus, and aggregate demand. Use marginal analysis to make pricing and output decisions. Demonstrate your understanding of  price elasticity of demand (PED) and its value in calculating a desired margin, and the factors that make the demand for a good more elastic. Use current margin and desired margin … Read more

What do you think is the ethical thing to do in this situation and what would you choose to do regardless?

Ethics. You work at a dialysis center where people with impaired kidney function come to use a dialysis machine to clean their blood as would their kidneys if they were working properly.  You are the Facility Administrator in a location of a small chain of dialysis centers founded and run by a group of doctors … Read more

Discuss how human-centered design assists with the development of your business model.

Entrepreneuship. 1. Discuss how human-centered design assists with the development of your business model. 2. Describe the key items management will likely seek answers for in your specific model. Why would management need to focus on those elements? 3. Choose a service or product currently in development. You may choose your own product or service … Read more

Discuss how human-centered design assists with the development of your business model.

Business 1. Discuss how human-centered design assists with the development of your business model. 2. Describe the key items management will likely seek answers for in your specific model. Why would management need to focus on those elements? 3. Choose a service or product currently in development. You may choose your own product or service … Read more