Demonstrate the relevance of science theories of chaos, complexity, and quantum mechanics for those who wish to create learning organizations and present a new‐science‐based skill set that enables twenty‐first‐century leaders to move beyond organizational adaptation to proactive change and continuous leadership.

The quantum skills model in management The authors suggest that the new science theories of chaos, complexity, and quantum mechanics provide the foundation for a new way of thinking about organizations. Demonstrate the relevance of science theories of chaos, complexity, and quantum mechanics for those who wish to create learning organizations and present a new‐science‐based … Read more

Assess current methods of communication to recommend improvements where necessary

Ethical violations Assume your organization has experienced a few ethical violations over the past six months. Some were considered quite severe. You have been tasked by senior leadership to prepare a proposal for an ethical initiative for your organization. For purposes of this assignment, you may include hypothetical ethical violations or ones you have experienced; … Read more

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hiring each candidate.Which of your ethical tools is best to use to solve this dilemma?Who would you ultimately hire and why?

Ethics Tamba Hiring Candidate 1 would give the company hope and liability to overcome the current unhealthy status, because Candidate 1 has a stellar sales record selling supplies to similar types of organizations. His vast experiences and higher sales numbers have an incredible reputation than the other two Candidates. One of the disadvantages of Candidate … Read more

Compare specific data analyses on similar data in the two reports that contradict each other/ are least supportive of each other.

Data analytics and Decision Making. Write your report by addressing the below points: 1) Compare specific data analyses on similar data in the two reports that contradict each other/ are least supportive of each other. 2) Which analysis in your view is most crucial for Boeing as well as Airbus to secure a larger market … Read more

Explain how the Social Security system’s basic principles are different from private insurance.

The Economics of Social Security 1.Explain how the Social Security system’s basic principles are different from private insurance. 2.Determine how Social Security affects the economic well-being of blacks, relative to whites and Hispanics. 3.Assess if the current Social Security system promotes income equality. Why or why not? 4.Propose how the Social Security system could be … Read more

Assess current methods of communication to recommend improvements where necessary.

Ethical violations Explain how your organization can improve socially responsible initiatives. Assess current methods of communication to recommend improvements where necessary. If your organization has a global presence, explain whether those practices have been conducted ethically. Indicate how these initiatives could be improved.