Select a specific company and research their sustainability practices and risks. Using publicly available information from and about the company, identify and categorize their sustainability risks.

Corporate Sustainability- Risk Management Select a specific company and research their sustainability practices and risks. Using publicly available information from and about the company, identify and categorize their sustainability risks. Identify any voluntary regulations to which the company adheres then communicate to stakeholders about the risks you identified above. Identify two sustainability initiatives for your … Read more

Creating a chart is not useful in and of itself unless it is properly interpreted. Write a brief analysis of the graph. What do you see in the graph that might be helpful to the production and sales people?

Business situations through graphs and tables Suppose Procter & Gamble sells 20 million bars of soap per week, but the demand is not constant and production management would like to get a better handle on how sales are distributed over the year. Let the following sales figures given in units of million bars represent the … Read more

Briefly define the meaning of each of the metrics in the summary report you get.

Business situations. The U.S. Department of the Interior releases figures on mineral production. The following are the 15 leading states in nonfuel mineral production in the United States in 2008. State                                        Value ($billions) Arizona                                      8.95 Nevada                                      6.48 Florida                                   … Read more

Demonstrate your understanding of the frameworks that govern ethical decision making.

Ethics Define ethics and ethical dilemmas, and legal and legislative issues. Demonstrate your understanding  of the frameworks that govern ethical decision making. Distinguish between legal and ethical obligations in decision making. Demonstrate self-awareness relating to the ethical frameworks and ethical. Discuss the principles that strongly influence one’s personal decision making. Correlate the legal authority of … Read more

Analyze stakeholders, regulatory implications, and potential support that could impact the implementation of an intervention plan.

Stakeholders, Policy, and Regulations Analyze stakeholders, regulatory implications, and potential support that could impact the implementation of an intervention plan. Propose existing or new policy considerations that would support the implementation of an intervention plan.

Identify and describe the global market forces, risks, development chain, supply chain, and strategies from one of the following perspectives.

Global logistics, risk management, and the product and supply chains Review global logistics, risk management, and the product and supply chains. Identify and describe the global market forces, risks, development chain, supply chain, and strategies from one of the following perspectives. Supplier Manufacturer Retailer Customer Decision Maker 750 – 1,000 words.

Find a recent article explaining a company that has been a victim of their customer or company information being attacked or stolen.What were the security and information exploit?What actions did the company take?

Breach Once a breach has occurred, customers are possibly the targets of having their information exploited. Find a recent article explaining a company that has been a victim of their customer or company information being attacked or stolen. • What were the security and information exploit? • What actions did the company take? • Do … Read more

Find an annual report for a company of your interest.What is the name of your company? What is the web address that leads to your financial reports? Why are you interested in this company? Calculate the cash ratio.

Annual report Find an annual report for a company of your interest . Title your essay with the name of your company and share the following in your essay: What is the name of your company? What is the web address that leads to your financial reports? Why are you interested in this company? Calculate … Read more

Develop strategies to enhance your leadership effectiveness, particularly in situations where your natural style may be a stumbling block to effective leadership, drawing on the lessons of the leadership stretch experience.

Leadership Autobiography 1) Develop a critical self-understanding of your leadership experience and your leadership style. It should be oriented to your past experience and achievements, as well as to your future goals and aspirations. 2) Identify situations when your natural leadership style is effective and when it is less effective or even a barrier. 3) … Read more

Create a table to display your strengths and opportunities for development to be an effective leader in a project management environment.

Personality. Create a table to display your strengths and opportunities for development to be an effective leader in a project management environment. Discuss your strengths below the table, and explain why they are important to being an effective project manager. Develop an action plan that includes development activities to address your opportunities for development as … Read more