construct a parking garage for a university with solar and super power charging stations so that it solves the problem of parking plus offers solar and charging stations for electric cars considering the future and also getting some money back.

Industry Research for parking garage construct a parking garage for a university with solar and super power charging stations so that it solves the problem of parking plus offers solar and charging stations for electric cars considering the future and also getting some money back.

 Create a list of ways in which employees of your company can help out in the community, mostly involving volunteer work.

Create a list of ways in which employees of your company can help out in the community, mostly involving volunteer work. High on the list is working for Habitat for Humanity in building homes for low-income residents of the community. Create an easily accessible list of ways that employees can be more involved in their … Read more

Identify the problems Target Canada encountered that prevented it from becoming a successful retailer and what were the people, organization, and technology factors that contributed to these problems?

“How Supply Chain Management Problems Killed Target Canada” on pages 343-345 of your text and answer the following: Identify the problems Target Canada encountered that prevented it from becoming a successful retailer and what were the people, organization, and technology factors that contributed to these problems? How much of Target Canada’s problems were technology based? … Read more

Scenario 2:You noticed that you did not receive credit for an assignment that you uploaded to Canvas two weeks ago. Write to your instructor to inquire about the assignment.

Scenario 2 Write an email, for the following scenario. Assume that you are an MGT AS student. You will need to make up relevant details for each scenario. You noticed that you did not receive credit for an assignment that you uploaded to Canvas two weeks ago. Write to your instructor to inquire about the … Read more

BUS-FP4015 Assessment 1-Complete a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of an organization of your choice.

BUS-FP4015 Assessment 1 Complete a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of an organization of your choice. Describe internal strengths of the selected organization. Describe internal weaknesses of the selected organization. Describe external opportunities of the selected organization. Describe external threats of the selected organization.

Identify risks related to changes in the exchange rate from a management perspective.

Examine the issue of currency exchange and the risks associated with changes in the exchange rate. Assess the feasibility of business operation in other countries. Analyze the exchange-rate-based value of selling goods in the United States exported from a different country. Explain how changes in the exchange rate would affect profitability for exports from a … Read more

Write an analysis of the role that social responsibility plays in doing business internationally.

Write an analysis of the role that social responsibility plays in doing business internationally. What effect does an organization’s ethical standing, or reputation, have on its business abroad? Will any of these philosophical approaches to ethics work in the organization you have in mind? Why or why not? How does a particular philosophical approach to … Read more