Motivation and Performance Management -Describe the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Motivation and Performance Management . Describe the difference between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Determine how both job satisfaction and organizational commitment relate to employee performance at your selected company. Evaluate your selected company in light of both motivational theory and performance management principles to determine if it is a place you would like to … Read more

Organization Ecology-Develop a research plan to study at least three aspects of population ecology of organizations within a population of organizations of your choice.

Orgnisation Ecology. Develop a research plan to study at least three aspects of population ecology of organizations within a population of organisations of your choice. The aspect includes but is not limited to age dependence, age related inertia, innovativeness and adaptability, density dependence, density delay, propagation strategies, niche width and resource partitioning. This plan should … Read more

Explain to what extent the corporation’s shareholders might feel the corporation breached any measures of an entity of the highest ethical standards.

Assess Investment Options. Companies use off-balance sheet accounting so that they do not have to include certain assets and liabilities in their financial statements. Off-balance sheet accounting is often used to make the balance sheet look like the company has less debt than it actually does. One method used by companies to achieve off-balance sheet … Read more

Do you think emphasis should be placed on managers justifying most expenditures or do you support using more incremental methods of budget development?

Within the public sector many programs operate on an annual budgetary cycle. In general, when developing funding sources for public or non-profit programs Do you think emphasis should be placed on managers justifying most expenditures or do you support using more incremental methods of budget development?

Competency Wants and Don’t Wants for PMs.-Comment on the technical, managerial, and functional acumen PMI is striving to impart in its PMPs.

Competency Wants and Don’t Wants for PMs. Comment on the technical, managerial, and functional acumen PMI is striving to impart in its PMPs. Are they the right ones? Do you have them? Do PMs need them? Anything puzzling? Missing? We can have some good discussion threads! Examine the list of competencies listed for People, Process, … Read more

Why does the significance of financial ratios change according to industry or business practices?

Consider the articles by Andrijasevic and Pasic (2014) and Mankin and Jewell (2014) assigned in this unit. Discuss the following questions on financial analysis. In addition, discuss why it is important to ask and answer these questions. Why does the significance of financial ratios change according to industry or business practices? Since ratios are often … Read more