Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of global consumer and customer experience in a digital marketplace .

Customer Experience Strategy. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of global consumer and customer experience in a digital marketplace . Critically evaluate the appropriateness of customer experience models and frameworks in shaping future CX strategies to engage and enhance customer experiences . Critically evaluate the key influences on customer experience at … Read more

Imagine that you worked in the organization led by Ricardo Semler. Would you like to be a part of this organization? Reflect and compare the radical practices of collaboration and involvement used by this company with those of the organization in which you are presently employed.

Ted Talk Collaboration, mutual engagement, and change are critical for transforming organizations. Ricardo Semler (CEO of Semco Partners) created a company with almost no rules. He involved people and implemented corporate re-engineering. Listen to the Ted Talk below: Semler, R. (2014, October). How to run a company with (almost) no rules [Video]. TED Conferences. … Read more

What challenges do companies face regarding managing data? What is the role of Big Data in enterprises?

IT systems As business processes have evolved, so too has the use of IT systems and associated tools. As a result, data storage needs have increased to the point where IT solutions are required to maximize new business practices. What challenges do companies face regarding managing data? What is the role of Big Data in … Read more

As a supervisor, how would you respond to an employee that told you they were dissatisfied with their job but did not want to quit. What advice would you give them and why?

Business Use complete sentences in a paragraph format, include at least one text citation from the chapters to support your insights, and be sure to proofread and check your spelling when complete. This should include a minimum of 100 words. • As a supervisor, how would you respond to an employee that told you they … Read more

Write an informative report in memo format that discusses the findings from your Occupational Outlook research and interview(s).

Informative report Research a career or position in which you’re interested. Not only will you learn about the position itself, but also its desired requirements for the ideal candidate, salary information and more. 1. Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook website at (Links to an external site.) and use the search box … Read more

How does a monopoly maximizes its profits. What is price discrimination in context of monopolies?

Microeconomics. Using supply and demand curves explain where appropriate : a) How does a monopoly maximizes its profits 15% b) What is price discrimination in context of monopolies? 5% c) Inwhatsituationscanamonopolybejustified?5% d) What can government do when faced with monopoly structures in key industries. Use real life examples to support your answer. 5%