Critically discuss how the role of cultural intermediaries can be considered as sitting at the intersection between consumption and production, and what impact this relationship has on consumer markets.

The Role of Cultural Intermediaries. Critically discuss how the role of cultural intermediaries can be considered as sitting at the intersection between consumption and production, and what impact this relationship has on consumer markets. Discuss your essay in relation to ONE of the cultural fields from the module as suggested below. Fashion Journalism Music Food … Read more

Business Law – Negligence Law-Explain how the courts determine whether such claims for negligent misstatement are valid, and where they have dismissed such claims.

Business Law – Negligence Law. In Barclays Trust & others v Ernst & Young LLP (2016) the court dismissed what it described as an opportunistic claim for negligent misstatement against professionals based on an immaterial breach of duty and framed with the benefit of hindsight. With reference to case law. Explain how the courts determine … Read more

 Evaluate logistics as a supply chain component, including how to measure performance, and key strategies to improve effectiveness.

Project 3 Case Studies. Define sourcing as a supply chain component, how to measure performance, and key strategies to improve effectiveness. Evaluate logistics as a supply chain component, including how to measure performance, and key strategies to improve effectiveness.

Design a System to Manage Administrative Policies,Explain the importance of policy administration.

Design a System to Manage Administrative Policies. Create a policy management system for a public agency of your choice. Explain why you chose that agency. Explain the importance of policy administration. Describe the policy cycle and how it impacts policy decision-making. Identify three main policy areas for the agency you chose and explain their functions … Read more

Evaluate the importance of continuous professional development in order to develop an action plan for future employ-ability.

Career Development and Employ-ability for HR. The reflection should specifically address the following three areas: Critically evaluate your current level of personal performance in relation to relevant professional skills and behaviors. What are the requirements for working in your chosen career? What are the professional standards? What are the behaviors required? Do you have the … Read more