Write a 5-6 page report about whether Adidas should develop a similar DTC competitive strategy to Nike’s.

Write a 5-6 page report about whether Adidas should develop a similar DTC competitive strategy to Nike’s. Analyze why the company (Nike) has adopted a DTC supply chain strategy by explaining the advantages and disadvantages and the impact of this strategy on its profitability. Analyze the importance of the Internet and social media (to Nike) … Read more

Analyze project management’s different aspects in modern technology-intensive organizations.

Project Management Processes Common to Contemporary Technology-Intensive Organizations. Analyze project management’s different aspects in modern technology-intensive organizations. Identify cost control of the projects and in the last part and examine how technology-intensive organizations are using CPM for project scheduling.

Elaborate”Common Principles and Practices Used in the Successful Management of the 21st Century Technology-Intensive Organizations”.

Common Principles and Practices Used to Successfully Manage the 21st Century Technology-Intensive Organization. Elaborate”Common Principles and Practices Used in the Successful Management of the 21st Century Technology-Intensive Organizations”. Paper to include introduction, said principles and conclusion (2000 words)