What is an adverse impact? How does it differ from adverse or disparate treatment?

Human Resource Assignment. Describe the groups protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and explain how well the act has accomplished the goal of eliminating discrimination against those groups. What would you have added to the act to make it more effective? What is an adverse impact? How does it differ from adverse … Read more

Write a third and final part of the strategic plan you have been developing, according to Kaufman’s model.

Write a third and final part of the strategic plan you have been developing, according to Kaufman’s model. Tactics: Develop one or two tactics for six of the SMARTER objectives you have listed at the Macro and Micro level. Use the following questions as guidelines, but make sure to describe the actual tactic in your … Read more

Explain the importance of ethical leadership in implementing a new organizational structure and suggesting a possible new structure based on the learning activity.

Investigate structure and culture. Identify the characteristics needed to implement a shared ethical culture and explain how this will help the organization’s current organizational structure. Explain how the ethical culture will be affected by the global context. Describe some of the global implications. Use the competing values framework in analyzing the situation. Analyze the current … Read more