Influence of emerging technologies on construction : develop an individual research on a construction related topic addressing the appropriate chapters.

Influence of emerging technologies on construction Develop an individual research on a construction related topicaddressing the appropriate chapters. Observe NTU Harvard referencing system, a copy of the referencing guide is available on the learning room.

Appraise, compare, and interpret key theories, concepts and methodological issues related to research in the built environment.

Research process1. Appraise, compare, and interpret key theories, concepts and methodological issues related to research in the built environment. 2. Explain and relate the nature and purpose of each stage in the research process and be able to justify options. 3. Design and propose a research project on a specific area of study, including ethical … Read more

Fire Safety : The photo shows the underside of a recently renovated floor containing offices and reception area.This void area is proposed to be converted to archive storage. What would be the classification of the archive?

Fire Safety. Q1) The photo shows the underside of a recently renovated floor containing offices and reception area.This void area is proposed to be converted to archive storage. What would be the classification of the archive? Q2) Following the renovations explained in the previous question, the entrance to the renovated floor is proposed to change … Read more

Give a comparative analysis of Integrated Project Delivery method in construction versus conventional delivery methods such as design-bid-build, and construction manager at risk.

comparative analysis of Integrated project delivery (IPD) to other project delivery methods. Give a comparative analysis of Integrated Project Delivery method in construction versus conventional delivery methods such as design-bid-build, and construction manager at risk.