Some people have argued that the Johns Hopkins psychologist used this opportunity as an experiment to test his nurture theory of gender identity. What are the expected results of this experiment, assuming that the nurture theory is valid?

A Tragic Error In 1965, Janet Reimer of Winnepeg gave birth to twin boys named Bruce and Brian (Colapinto, 2004; CBC, 2004). Both infants were normal and healthy, but because they had difculty urinating doctors recommended that they undergo circumcision (i.e., surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis) at six months of age. Although … Read more

Double strand DNA break : Explain how Cas9 detects and cleaves DNA targets, and (eukaryotic) cellular responses to the resultant double strand DNA break.

Double strand DNA break Explain how Cas9 detects and cleaves DNA targets, and (eukaryotic) cellular responses to the resultant double strand DNA break. The word limit is 2000 words ± 10% (does not include figure legends and references but does include the in-text citations).

Write on diseases that affect the reproductive system, state the cause and effect of the diseases as well as, what treatments is there for the disease if any, if not explain why there are no treatments.

Diseases that affect the Reproductive system Write on diseases that affect the reproductive system, state the cause and effect of the diseases as well as, what treatments is there for the disease if any, if not explain why there are no treatments. Also include at least one article as well as all sources and references … Read more

Define what macromolecules are and using your knowledge of their molecular structure explore how they “fuel” us via the process of cellular respiration.

What fuels you When considering the hierarchy of biological organization, macromolecules are the last abiotic (i.e. non-living) “step” before the smallest functional living units cells. If organisms were not able to obtain these macromolecules, either through synthesis or ingestion, life could not exist. Define what macromolecules are and using your knowledge of their molecular structure … Read more

Write a paper about parasites, Cysticercosis, Neurocysticercosis and Epilepsy is and how they all relate to each other. 

The Relationship Between Cysticercosis, Neurocysticercosis, and Epilepsy Write a paper about parasites, Cysticercosis, Neurocysticercosis and Epilepsy is and how they all relate to each other. Provide scholarly articles as sources and any research/research trials/data that has happened to prove the relationship between the three.

Explain the reasons that you are applying for the SIMR Program

Application Essay Explain the reasons that you are applying for the SIMR Program, how your participation in the program fits into your future educational and career objectives, and why you feel you are a good candidate for the program. You may also discuss your institute/area of research preferences and personal goals.

Bioinfomatics :Try entering “aminotransferase.” What is the preferred term? Limit to the subheading “drug effects.” Now search PubMed. How many records?

Bioinfomatics. 1.Why make three different mRNAs that all produce the same protein? 2 In the Nucleotide database, type in: 16S RNA 16S RNA “16S RNA” 16S AND RNA What is the preferred phrase for 16S and RNA? 3.Try entering “aminotransferase.” What is the preferred term? Limit to the subheading “drug effects.” Now search PubMed. How … Read more

Case of the Crying Baby : What symptoms has Kayla exhibited over the first months of her life?What treatments were suggested by the nurses and physicians when the symptoms first appeared?

Case of the Crying Baby  Sara and Matt had a loving relationship and successful careers. With the birth of their daughter Kayla they felt their lives were complete. Kayla was a thriving1, beautiful, fair skinned baby with   sparkling blue eyes. Within the first few weeks of life she grew at an astonishing rate, developing … Read more