Write a letter to a fellow lab student explaining the two major plant lineages covered in Units 21-22.

Scenario One of your fellow students was ill and missed Lab Units 21-22. They have pictures of all of the models, slides, specimens from lab but they are having a hard time putting the images in context. Write a letter to a fellow lab student explaining the two major plant lineages covered in Units 21-22. … Read more

In your opinion, what are the pluses and minuses for Delta-BLAST compared to PSI-BLAST?

Bioinformatic Homework. 1.How and/or why HMM could be useful in Biotechnology? 2.In your opinion, what are the pluses and minuses for Delta-BLAST compared to PSI-BLAST? 3.Discuss pros and cons of PSI-BLAST in compared to the regular protein BLAST (blastp)? 4.How would you assess homology in putative homologs found by PSI-BLAST

Based on the colors and the distribution, from which of the three domains of life are the majority of hits?The proteasome sequence is from a hyperthermophilic archaeon. Why do you suppose there may be a (relative) lack of total hits in archaea using HMMER?

Bioinformatics 1. 1. Run a Delta-BLAST with the silkworm insulin protein (P26726). Limit to human proteins in the RefSeq_Protein database. a. How many total sequences? b. How many human homologs appear to have the insulin domain (irrespective of the e-value threshold)? c. Now edit search remove the human from the organism selection and change DELTA-BLAST … Read more

DNA profiling : What benefits have we gained from gene therapy?What are the downfalls of the smallpox vaccine?

DNA profiling What benefits have we gained from gene therapy? What are the downfalls of the smallpox vaccine? How can DNA profiling be used in positive and negative ways?Why did/are some people “all for” this topic? Why are some people dead set against it? Papers must:  Be at least 3 pages long, not including … Read more

Find an enzyme that is beneficial to the human race, but is NOT a part of our bodies. Describe it and the reaction it works on. Why is it important to us?

Enzyme and ATP Questions 1) Find an enzyme that is beneficial to the human race, but is NOT a part of our bodies. Describe it and the reaction it works on. Why is it important to us? 2) Why ATP? – ATP is used by all cells, whether they are from a bacteria or a … Read more

Nature or Nurture Revisited : How would an advocate of the nature theory explain homosexual behavior in men and women? How would an advocate of the nurture theory explain homosexual behavior in men and women?

Nature or Nurture Revisited As David assumed his male status, he expressed many of the physical and behavioral traits of typical teenage boys. He was readily accepted by his male peers and engaged in sexual activities with young women. He eventually married and he and his wife enjoyed a loving and fulflling relationship. Unfortunately, David … Read more

A Boy Living as a Girl : What, if any, aspects of David’s experiences support the nurture theory of gender identity? What, if any, aspects of David’s experiences support the nature theory of gender identity?

A Boy Living as a Girl The Reimers faithfully adhered to the gender re-assignment protocol, accepted their child as their daughter, and attempted to raise her as a “gentle lady.” In spite of their eforts, Brenda resisted this treatment and eventually became unmanageable (Diamond and Sigmundson, 1997a; 1997b). For example, Brenda frequently rejected girls’ toys, … Read more