what is CRISPR and how does it work? how does it relate to medical pillars of science and why is it important to access its ethics?

The Innovation Of CRISPR Genetic Engineering: To What Extent Is This Form Of Genetic Engineering Ethical In Human Embryos Introduction- what is CRISPR and how does it work? how does it relate to medical pillars of science and why is it important to access its ethics? Regulations and public perception. How is crispr being regulated? … Read more

What are 3 main stages of child birth? Explain the important events that occurs in each of the stages, looking at the physiological changes in the body.

Human Reproductive Biology. COMPLETION NOTES: Cover the major changes in each stage ,i.e development of systems. Identify the major changes in embryonic and foetal development at the stages listed bellow. 1st trimester 2nd trimester 3rd trimester COMPLETION NOTES: It is important to link structure and functions in your answers. Identify a large surface area is … Read more

 What accounts for the diversity seen among siblings? Give 3 specific reasons.

Based on your reading of Chapters 9 and 10, please post an original response to the following discussion questions, as well as two interactive replies to peer posts. What accounts for the diversity seen among siblings? Give 3 specific reasons. What does scripture say about genetics or inheritance? Does this support or conflict with anything … Read more

Using three of the areas of biology we covered , critically assess this claim. That is, could a non-naturalistic perspective adequately explain the data in the three areas you chose, and would these explanations be ‘scientific’?

Using three of the areas of biology we covered , critically assess this claim. That is, could a non-naturalistic perspective adequately explain the data in the three areas you chose, and would these explanations be ‘scientific’? Provide details and examples, and defend your position(s).

Vaccine Bioethics-Provide some insight into how you would rationally discuss vaccination with someone blindly opposed and with someone who is blindly supportive of vaccination.

Vaccine Bioethics. Visit the follow webpage and listen to the podcast entitled “Shots in the Dark” (https://www.thisamericanlife.org/370/ruining-it-for-the-rest-of-us/act-one-0). List three take-home messages from the two opposing views represented in the podcast. State two common reasons cited by the anti-vaccination movement. Choose one reason that has a justified rationale and a second with unfounded rationale. State the … Read more