Using market information provided, build a series of regression and forecast models to estimate the likely transaction volumes and determine the revenue estimation

Property and capital market modelling. Using market information provided, build a series of regression and forecast models to estimate the likely transaction volumes and determine the revenue estimation.

LVL (lumber):Research the structural applications and the construction process used to create the architectural element.

LVL (lumber). Research the structural applications and the construction process used to create the architectural element. History of this application/structural system How is it made? What units and materials is it made of? Describe the construction/assembly process. What are the structural advantages of this system Were you previously aware of this type of timber construction? … Read more

History of Montage in Architecture-Show how this theory or idea of montage is developed/used in the Parc de la Villette project by Bernard Tschumi.

This is for a history class focused on Constructivism Architecture, which is a form of modern architecture developed in the Soviet Union in the 1920s.paper topic is on the history of Montage in Architecture. Additionally the paper show how this theory or idea of montage is developed/used in the Parc de la Villette project by … Read more

How does the organization of the space or historical accents aim to provoke though to revoke the past?

1.How does the organization of the space or historical accents aim to provoke though to revoke the past? 2.How do the artifacts or elements of the project work to create  a layered history? –What is the program/experience.Is it complementary or seperate from the host structures previous identity/memory.– What specific artifacts or remnants of the past … Read more