Describe and analyze the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of the global corporate entities which produce and distribute most of the films we watch.

The Studio System The Studio System Key point about the studio system could be: Despite being one of the biggest industries in the United States, indeed the World, the internal workings of the ‘dream factory’ that is Hollywood is little understood outside the business. Describe and analyze the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of … Read more

Assess ways in which construction professionals collaborate in the production of construction information.

Unit 6: Construction Information (Drawing, Detailing, Specification) 1. Evaluate different types of construction information in the context of diverse project types. 2. Develop construction drawings, details, schedules and specifications in support of a given construction Project. 3. Interpret different types of construction information in order to explain a construction project. 4. Assess ways in which … Read more

Demonstrate the history of Renaissance era in Kuwait to Crystalize importance of Renaissance-era in Kuwait Architectural heritage.

Kuwait City • What is the proper methodology to evaluate and develop the Renaissance-era buildings in Kuwait City to avoid demolishing? • Demonstrate the history of Renaissance era in Kuwait to Crystalize importance of Renaissance-era in Kuwait Architectural heritage. • Identify the risk of Brusselisation and its impact in the urban society. •Investigating the reasons … Read more

Write an essay on housing in Angola, Brazil, China, Ghana, India, Sweden,Vietnam, or pertaining to Indigenous peoples in Canada, Australia and/or New Zealand.

Reflection Write an essay on housing in Angola, Brazil, China, Ghana, India, Sweden,Vietnam, or pertaining to Indigenous peoples in Canada, Australia and/or New Zealand. Include footnotes and a bibliography. 1500-2000 words.Chicago Manual Style with Footnotes

For up to five points of extra credit, explain the significance of each of the five phenomena below, according to Pallasmaa.

Phenomena Juhani Pallasmaa’s The Eyes of the Skin first appeared in architecture in 1996. It’s a bit of hybrid – part treatise, and part manifesto. The main goal is to question the “ocular-centrism” of architecture both in Classicism and in modernism. Instead, it proposes a more “phenomeonological” approach. For up to five points of extra … Read more

Create a fact sheet for each detailing its title, location, date, period and/or style, the builder, its particular construction materials and methods, and cultural significance.

Culture and Architecture Select two buildings, neither of which is not pictured in the textbook “Culture and Architecture”. from two separate periods one from Prehistoric to 1400 and the other one from 1400-current. Create a fact sheet for each detailing its title, location, date, period and/or style, the builder, its particular construction materials and methods, … Read more

In the comparative study of planning in different countries, why might we consider the notion of planning ‘cultures’ as well as the concept of planning ‘systems’? Critically discuss the increasing use of the term ‘planning culture’ with reference to two countries of your choice.

Comparative Planning Systems and Cultures 1. In the comparative study of planning in different countries, why might we consider the notion of planning ‘cultures’ as well as the concept of planning ‘systems’? Critically discuss the increasing use of the term ‘planning culture’ with reference to two countries of your choice. 2. Critically examine and compare … Read more

Can we understand a fragment of the building as a fragment of the city ? How does the building reflect and relate to the city, and its memories? How does the building reflects the technologies of a particular time?

Barbican Centre (1982) designed by Chamberlin, Powel and Bon EC2Y 8DS Questions to consider a) Can we understand a fragment of the building as a fragment of the city ? How does the building reflect and relate to the city, and its memories? How does the building reflects the technologies of a particular time? b) … Read more