Examine the formal elements of architectural design present such as pattern and repetition, rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry, balance, contrast, proportion and scale, theme and variation, and coherence and unity in variety.

British Columbia Parliament Building. Select an architectural work from the architectural works displayed in the assignment folder for this assignment. You will be examining your selected piece in terms of both its Form and Function. Provide a formal analysis of this piece using material presented in class on the formal elements of architectural design (this … Read more

How does the architecture of the castle converge with that of the monastery and does that say anything about the relation of the secular and the spiritual, even of reason and faith in the Middle Ages?

Castles and Faith: Architecture in the Middle Ages How does the architecture of the castle converge with that of the monastery and does that say anything about the relation of the secular and the spiritual, even of reason and faith in the Middle Ages? On what sources do the monastic traditions draw for their direction … Read more

Provide a professional report which considers and evaluates a number of issues that are outlined below.

Report. Provide a professional report which considers and evaluates a number of issues that are outlined below. a. Using the British Geological Survey (BGS) Geology of Britain viewer tool, the soil type for thesite has been identified as Winter Hill Gravel (a gravel and sand mix). Borehole surveys atnearby sites reveal a mix of gravel, … Read more

Analyze the work of select architects and their contributions to the history of architecture.

Biographical Essay Suggested architects include:1. Frank Lloyd Wright2. Le Corbusier3. Antoni Gaudi4. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe5. Frank Gehry6. Louis Henri Sullivan7. Ieoh Ming Pei8. Jean Novel9. Bruce Goff10. Oscar Niemeyer11. Philip Johnson12. Paul Rudolph13. Alvar Aalto14. Michael Graves15. Charles & Ray Eames16. Eero Saarinen17. Walter Gropius18. Zaha Hadid19. Rem Koolhaas20. Santiago Calatrava21. Renzo Piano22. … Read more

Analyze the work of select architects and their contributions to the history of architecture.

Biographical essay • Analyze the work of select architects and their contributions to the history of architecture. • Evaluate multiple perspectives from varying sources regarding the work of your chosen architects. • Explain the varieties of historical evidence used and assess the strengths and limitations of each. • Analyze and interpret primary and secondary source … Read more

Through the detailed analysis of the problem of accounting computerization in the network environment, the countermeasures that can promote the development of accounting computerization are proposed for people’s reference.Discuss.

Accounting computer. Through the detailed analysis of the problem of accounting computerization in the network environment, the countermeasures that can promote the development of accounting computerization are proposed for people’s reference.Discuss.