Studying Change-Discuss and investigate evolution as referred by physical anthropology.

Studying Change. Discuss and investigate evolution as referred by physical anthropology. Define evolution using the course materials. Define physical anthropology. Discuss some of the general ways physical anthropologists investigate evolution. Using the APUS Library, find at least one appropriate outside source that identifies one specific research project in which physical anthropologists are studying evolution (e.g. … Read more

What plant is the wild species from which maize was derived? Where did the first domestication of maize take place?

anthropology first. What plant is the wild species from which maize was derived? Where did the first domestication of maize take place? What are the traditional direct-precipitation farming techniques that are described on the site? Select the “What we learned” tab on the left. What kinds of soils did most of the varieties of maize … Read more

Bones paper-Discuss at least two conclusions Brennan made from examining the bones or scene.

Bones paper. Watch an episode of the popular TV show “Bones” online or on television (except for the ones we discussed in class). Provide the title and a brief summary (one short paragraph) of the episode. Discuss at least two conclusions Brennan made from examining the bones or scene. Given what you have learned in … Read more