Digital Anthropology and Technology: why does the speaker suggest that we are all cyborgs?

Digital Anthropology and Technology Please watch the following TED Talk, We Are All Cyborgs Now (link here), and make sure that you have read the essay on digital anthropology and the lecture notes. 1). Describe the interconnection between anthropology portrayed in your course materials today. Use examples and think about how technology has implications for … Read more

What ideas about the relationship between changing technologies, language, and social relations could you suggest to you friend as worth studying?

Consider how changing technologies are altering the ways you communicate with family, friends, and even strangers. Suppose your best friend decides to study sociolinguistics in graduate school. What ideas about the relationship between changing technologies, language, and social relations could you suggest to you friend as worth studying?

Globalization Blog: how has globalization impacted indigenous peoples?

Globalization Blog How has globalization impacted indigenous peoples? How has globalization impacted specifically on women and gender roles? Discuss the origins and consequences of the privatization of water as a result of globalization. What is the relationship between globalization and the rise of militarism? How are college students using their clout to fight for social … Read more

Globalization: demonstrate an understanding of global interconnectedness and critically examine your own positions in these global processes.

Globalization Demonstrate an understanding of global interconnectedness and critically examine your own positions in these global processes. Evaluate and apply knowledge and skills of cultural anthropology to cultural practices, real-world issues, and current global processes. Demonstrate the ability to engage with literature in an objective manner, support arguments with research, critically examine the views of … Read more

Are there situations in which it is acceptable to try to alter a group’s cultural values in order to promote changes in health, nutrition, or women’s rights?discuss.

The textbook chapter described some of the details when anthropologists become involved in international development projects. Are there situations in which it is acceptable to try to alter a group’s cultural values in order to promote changes in health, nutrition, or women’s rights?Discuss. Do you think it is inappropriate for outsiders to demand change? Do … Read more

Examine and explain how economic development and environmentalism can be vehicles for external regulation that threaten the subsistence patterns and way of life of indigenous people.

Examine and explain how economic development and environmentalism can be vehicles for external regulation that threaten the subsistence patterns and way of life of indigenous people.