Evolution: Discuss the seeming dichotomy between biology and culture and how it relates to human evolution.

Evolution Evolution is about the ‘survival of the fittest’, but successful survival strategy often entails group dynamics rather than simple individual superiority over others. On one hand, genes survive into successive generations if an individual organism is successful at passing those genes onto offspring, but survival and mating also requires negotiating social adaptations as well. … Read more

Demonstrate how important it is to use holism when trying to set up a society and the way that society will be governed

Watch the following YouTube Video Iroquois Confederacy: First Democracy of the Americas (22:20) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4_vwKyeG58 Assignment Write a 3-to-4-page reflective paper on the question: “Is democracy the best to govern?” Include supporting information from the video. Use these questions and statements below as some guidelines for the reflective paper: Give a brief history of the … Read more

If an alien scientist were studying a human skeleton, what would they be able to tell about our diet, behavior, and locomotion?

The traits used to distinguish between primate taxa are dental characteristics, behavioral adaptations, and locomotor adaptations. •Describe the form that each of these takes in Homo sapiens and what that says about our behavior, biology, or evolution. •If an alien scientist were studying a human skeleton, what would they be able to tell about our … Read more

Write about the misinformation in relation to covid-19 over the past year and how it has effected things like treatment, information checking, and overall cultural interpretation of covid-19.

A War of Misinformation Write about the misinformation in relation to covid-19 over the past year and how it has effected things like treatment, information checking, and overall cultural interpretation of covid-19. At 1250 words. Must have one paragraph abstract(abstract not included in 1250 word count, nor is the works cited). MLA Format Five references … Read more

Familiar Strange: Just as Horace Miner did in his Nacirema article describe a ritual/belief/practice/all of these common in your culture, describe it, explain why it is done/believed in the minds of the people who believe/do it?

Familiar Strange Find an aspect of your culture to focus on. •Just as Horace Miner did in his Nacirema article describe a ritual/belief/practice/all of these common in your culture, describe it, explain why it is done/believed in the minds of the people who believe/do it? •What conclusions you as an anthropologist can draw about the … Read more

Race: what is race? how is it culturally constructed?

Race •What is race? How is it culturally constructed? •Who has benefited from the belief that there are natural or biologically based differences between racial groups, and we can sort people according to race? •What are some of the social consequences of these beliefs? Provide at least one example from the readings, lectures, and/or discussions, … Read more

Choose one issue you learned about and discuss how your chosen issue impacts indigenous populations.provide at least one example to illustrate your argument(s).

Choose one issue you learned about and discuss how your chosen issue impacts indigenous populations. Provide at least one example to illustrate your argument(s). •What are indigenous populations doing to address this issue? •In your opinion what, if anything, should non-indigenous people/institutions do to support indigenous populations concerning this issue? Support your answer with content … Read more

Family, kinship, and marriage: discuss how ideas of family, kinship, and marriage may differ in industrial and non-industrial societies.provide examples to illustrate your argument.

Family, kinship, and marriage. •Discuss how ideas of family, kinship, and marriage may differ in industrial and non-industrial societies.Provide examples to illustrate your argument. •Based on changing social and cultural circumstances how do you see family and kinship relationships changing in the future? •What do you think will drive these changes (provide an example)? Support … Read more