How are their causes of divorce similar or different to causes of divorce in parts of the Western World?

A Story by Bonnie L. Hewlett Divorce is a common feature of married life, both within our own culture and that of the Aka and Ngandu. How are their causes of divorce similar or different to causes of divorce in parts of the Western World? What would you consider to be potential benefits of polygyny? … Read more

Why do you think race has continued to be an important social reality even after it has been discredited scientifically?Explain.

Race García describes the reasons that race is considered a “discredited concept in human biology.” Despite this scientific fact, most people continue to believe that race is “real.” Why do you think race has continued to be an important social reality even after it has been discredited scientifically?Explain.

Thinking about your own culture, what are some examples of ideas or objects that are considered “sacred”? What are the rules concerning how these objects or ideas should be treated? What are the penalties for people who do not follow these rules?

Magic, Belief, and Religion Durkheim argued that a distinction between the sacred and the profane was a key characteristic of religion. Thinking about your own culture, what are some examples of ideas or objects that are considered “sacred”? What are the rules concerning how these objects or ideas should be treated? What are the penalties … Read more

Social movements : The role of the police, as an institution, in society, including their relationships with social movements, is a central issue in contemporary American life. Are they a neutral force who defend and protect the interests of the entire society?

Social movements Answer the essay questions below. (12 points). The role of the police, as an institution, in society, including their relationships withsocial movements, is a central issue in contemporary American life. Are they a neutralforce who defend and protect the interests of the entire society? What is Alex Vitale’s argument with regard to this … Read more

Anthropological studies : What are the three forms of reciprocity, and what social differences exist in each type of exchange?

Anthropological studies Anthropological studies of economic strategies challenges the assumption of conventional economics by analyzing societal behavior from a cross-cultural perspective. Anthropologists look at the relationship between economy and society in which it occurs through a critical examination by address factors such as exchange, production, consumption, property, and the social changes that have occurred in … Read more

Social stratification : How are race and caste similar, and how are they different? And how do race-based and caste-based systems compare with respect to unequal treatment?

Social stratification. Both race-based and caste-based systems of social stratification create barriers for some and opportunities for others. How are race and caste similar, and how are they different? And how do race-based and caste-based systems compare with respect to unequal treatment? Use specific examples from readings and lectures, and discuss Shah’s Nightmarch as part … Read more

What is kinship, and is it cultural or biological? Explain the differences between matrilineal, patrilineal, and bilateral kinship systems.

Kinship What is kinship, and is it cultural or biological? Explain the differences between matrilineal, patrilineal, and bilateral kinship systems. Use specific examples from readings and lectures, and cite at least two course texts .