In cultural anthropology, theories such as neo-evolutionism did the same thing culturally, they created a “scientific” notion that cultures evolve from simple to complex. Explain how this could have created many of the issues we face today globally in terms of inequity.Focus on Native Americans and the African slave trade,

Anthropology Anthropology, especially applied anthropology, can promote cross-cultural understanding, particularly using its holistic and relativistic lenses. However, in the past, the discipline was associated with colonialism and was more ethnocentric, using “science” and ideas about evolution to construct “race”, something we now know to be a social construct. In cultural anthropology, theories such as neo-evolutionism … Read more

Explain the practical effects of the culture’s family size and discuss how family size influences political alliance formation.

Cultural Anthropologist Read & Review Ethnographic Studies The Akan of West Africa The Igbo of Nigeria The Ancient Hebrews A Turkish Peasant Village The Yanomamo of the Amazon Forest The Ju/’hoansi of the Kalihari -Choose a Cultural Group Investigate one of the cultural groups listed above or in our textbook reading. Answer Focus Questions Answer … Read more

Explain a family or community activity, cultural tradition or ritual that builds a sense of connection within or outside of your immediate family. Share dress, styles, and other forms of expression.

Family and community activity -Explain a family or community activity, cultural tradition or ritual that builds a sense of connection within or outside of your immediate family. Share dress, styles, and other forms of expression. -Describe any social stratification within the activity based on age, gender, or family and kinship . -Identify how the tradition, … Read more

Describe the relationship between your cultural group, their environment, and/or belief system that provides subsistence and survival.

Cultural group Investigate any cultural group that you choose and want to learn more about . Answer Focus Questions -Describe the relationship between your cultural group, their environment, and/or belief system that provides subsistence and survival. -Expand on the unique features of the culture that stand out regarding social structure, kinship systems, tools, adaptation and … Read more

Thinking about your own culture, describe an example of a belief, practice, or symbol that would be interesting to study anthropologically.

Anthropology Introduction to Anthropology Three anthropologists describe how they first became interested in anthropology and how they have used their training in anthropology to conduct research. These anthropologists all demonstrate the endless potential of the discipline and identify important questions to understanding culture. Cultural Anthropologists focus on the way beliefs, practices, and symbols bind groups … Read more

Describe how important the AAA Code of Ethics are when using human subjects for research.

Careers in Public Service An emphasis in sociocultural anthropology offers good preparation for numerous public service opportunities, including positions in: Advocacy Development Community organizing Historic preservation Library science Literacy programs Museum curation Policy analysis Political activism Social work Answer Focus Questions Explore one sub-discipline of Cultural Anthropology from your research: Explain how the discipline uses … Read more

Compose a paper about the impact of globalization in china. Expand the example into a case study of the local-level effects of globalization. How has the local culture changed as a result of globalization? What have the people gained and what have they lost? Has global capitalism been fair to them?

Globalization 1. Compose a paper about the impact of globalization in china. Expand the example into a case study of the local-level effects of globalization. How has the local culture changed as a result of globalization? What have the people gained and what have they lost? Has global capitalism been fair to them? 2. 7 … Read more

Cultural Anthropology : Select and give a description of the community you have selected and why you chose that community.

Cultural Anthropology 1.Select and give a description of the community you have selected and why you chose that community.2. What key observations of the events/ activity. Describe the event or activity you observed.3. Cultures are based on learned, shared, ideas and patterns of behavior.What are the learned, shared, ideas and patterns of behavior of this … Read more