Explain each of these concepts that contributes to variation used in Natural Selection in a drawing or other visual way.

Explain and draw the four sources of variation. Use the table worksheet below to explain and draw the four sources of variation. Four Sources of Variation In the four boxes below, explain each of these concepts that contributes to variation used in Natural Selection in a drawing or other visual way. Mutation Meiosis Sexual Reproduction … Read more

Write an ethnographic reflection (1000 words) drawing on your daily life during the covid pandemi

Use the two themes which are power/authority and symbolism. Ethnographic reflection (1000 words) Write an ethnographic reflection (1000 words) drawing on your daily life during the covid pandemic, as well as your observation via news outlets and social media  of altered patterns of social life around the globe. Use the two themes which are power/authority … Read more

How does the reading correspond to concepts we have read or discussed in class?

Anthro Sapiens Instructions: Extra credit write-up for readings is worth a maximum of 10 points and will be accepted until the last day of class. All reading/podcast write-ups should be typed and 1 page double spaced. 1) What was the main point of the reading/podcast? 2) How does the reading correspond to concepts we have … Read more

How is the concept of glocalization useful in the study of cultural adaptation in the creative industries?

1. How is the concept of glocalization useful in the study of cultural adaptation in the creative industries? use at least two examples of cultural adaptation in the creative industries and remember that the concept is differently defined by different authors.

Why did a perspective that emphasizes individual “explanatory models” transform the field of medical anthropology?

Medical anthropology. Before Arthur Kleinman’s research, medical anthropologists tended to assume that everyone in a small-scale society made similar decisions about treating health problems. Why did a perspective that emphasizes individual “explanatory models” transform the field of medical anthropology?

What is the function of religion, why does it become more complex as societies do?

Religion, Art and Culture What is the function of religion, why does it become more complex as societies do? Think about Egyptian pharoahs, part gods. What about symbolism? The cross, the swastica, monumental architecture. Why did Hitler want to collect art? Why did the Taliban destroy art? What are the Holy Wars all about? Feel … Read more

Address an environmental or social issue.Share a communication or marketing tool will you use and explain why you chose this particular media tool.

Social issue Address an environmental or social issue.Share a communication or marketing tool will you use and explain why you chose this particular media tool. dentify the issue affecting a community and how you hope to help through communication and media to encourage change.

Are people conscious consumers? Do we buy fair trade and sustainable goods? Do we know where are clothes are made and only buy local?Discuss.

Global economy. Current consumption patterns in a global economy are not sustainable. If our human population is to remain stable or even grow larger, there needs to be shift where we alter our practices of producing so many materials, deleting our earth’s resources, polluting the environment, and spending money on goods produced all over the … Read more

Conduct research as an Applied Anthropologist learn about a specific issue or problem related to humans then address the issues and ways to resolve them.

Anthropology Conduct research as an Applied Anthropologist learn about a specific issue or problem related to humans then address the issues and ways to resolve them. 1. Provide a short description of the Applied Anthropological specialty you chose. 2. Explain the expertise and value of that speciality for exploring and resolving the issue, problem, or … Read more