Write a response to the issue of American Indian Identity in how it relates to the ideas of land, language and religion.

Response paper Write a response to the issue of American Indian Identity in how it relates to the ideas of land, language and religion. Think about and explain ideas of stereotypes and popular culture, connections of land, language, and religion and identity, and also how the field of Native Studies is based around the formation … Read more

Sandra Cisnero’s House : Explain how and why traditional interpretations of Mexican-American women negatively affects their current circumstances and perceptions of self from a political, economic, or biological standpoint in the United States and how that issue can be addressed and/or solved.

Sandra Cisnero’s House Select one prompt from the list below. Address it effectively with a specific  statement and ample academic evidence to support your claims in at least 500 words. Non-academic sources are not acceptable. The use of at least three secondary sources is required, and they should be cited correctly in-text throughout your answer … Read more

Contemporary Democrats and Republicans : What are the primary areas of difference between contemporary Democrats and Republicans? How are the two parties similar? What are the consequences of these patterns for voters and election outcomes? For policy outcomes?

Contemporary Democrats and Republicans The essay should be at least 1000 words overall. Include a works cited page as well. Begin by completing the following political ideology quizzes: Advocates for Self Government a libertarian website: www.theadvocates.org/quiz Pew Research Center for People & the Press: www.people-press.org/typlogy/quiz Next, analyze the results. Do you believe that these quizzes … Read more

American Revolution : Identify the main arguments used by supporters and opponents of American independence and why each side thought their viewpoint was correct.

American Revolution. Identify the main arguments used by supporters and opponents of American independence and why each side thought their viewpoint was correct. Identify the events portrayed in each of the three images and explain why they occurred, and combined with what happened after each event, show how they encourage support for independence.  

Write a well-constructed 4-paragraph essay that describes the business techniques and innovations the industrialists of the late 1800s used to achieve success.

Entrepreneurship. John D. Rockefeller said, “If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” Entrepreneurs in the late 1800s took Rockefeller’s advice to heart and broke new ground, especially in steel, banking, and Rockefeller’s own oil industry. Write a well-constructed 4-paragraph essay that … Read more

Write about how General William Tecumseh Sherman impacted the Civil War Era.Focus on 2 aspects on how General William Tecumseh Sherman impacted the Era. Who were they?

General William Tecumseh Sherman. 1) Write about how General William Tecumseh Sherman impacted the Civil War Era. 2) Focus on 2 aspects on how General William Tecumseh Sherman impacted the Era. Who were they? Format in Chicago style.   

Using the American Yawp textbook as your reference, write a 2–3-page, double-spaced paper that summarizes the following issues and their evolving narratives starting from the beginning of ‘The Cotton Revolution’ to the ‘Civil War’

The Cotton Revolution and Civil War. 1) Using the American Yawp textbook as your reference, write a 2–3-page, double-spaced paper that summarizes the following issues and their evolving narratives starting from the beginning of ‘The Cotton Revolution’ to the ‘Civil War’ : Race. Gender. National Identity. Politics. 2) Focus on the key developments or turning … Read more

In a research essay, explain the main points of Common Sense by Thomas Paine and use specific colonial examples that support Paine’s argument for separation.

Analysis of Common Sense By Thomas Paine In January 1776 Thomas Paine wrote a political pamphlet called Common Sense. In this pamphlet he made a variety of arguments to educate British colonial citizens on the reasons for separation from Great Britain. In a research essay, explain the main points of Common Sense by Thomas Paine … Read more