The House of Representatives has how many voting members?

Question 1 The House of Representatives has how many voting members? 453 345 534 435 Question 2 Which is NOT a Cabinet-level position? Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Communications Secretary of Energy Secretary of Agriculture Question 3 What piece of land did the U.S. buy from France in 1803? Alaska Puerto Rico The Louisiana … Read more

Provide an overview of both the Federalists’ and Anti-Federalists’ positions on the government.

American Government Research Project 1. Introduction Provide an overview of both the Federalists’ and Anti-Federalists’ positions on the government. Reference key thinkers and political writings of each position. Briefly state, for each branch of government, whether the Federalists and Anti-Federalists of early America would support its current power and capabilities. Later in your paper, you’ll … Read more

How do you think it will affect Texas’s political party landscape?

Discussion Topic: Texas has an interesting history when it comes to political parties. Texas will be a majority-minority state in the not so distance future. If participation among Latinos increases, How do you think it will affect Texas’s political party landscape? What role do you think third-parties will play in the future of Texas politics?

How did the American society change in terms of economics, culture, technology, and society during the 1960s and 1970s?

How did the American society change in terms of economics, culture, technology, and society during the 1960s and 1970s? Cambodian Incursion Address (1970) Barry Goldwater “Speech Accepting Republican Presidential Nomination” (1964) Malcolm X “The Ballot or the Bullet” (1964) Martin Luther King, “I Have a Dream” (1963)

How did editorial think of Huey Long and why? was this accurate?

Gerald K. Smith, Huey Long is a Superman, Hodding Carter, He’s a Demagogue, That’s What He Is Above are two papers we read. The paper needs to answer the following: How did editorial think of Huey Long and why? was this accurate? how did that propelled him to power but thought of the … Read more

Find secondary sources related to American women’s history during the 1960s-1990’s.

Find secondary sources related to American women’s history during the 1960s-1990’s. You must look for articles that mentions voting rights, gender discrimination, more importantly women’s role in politics, education and etc. For this component you will submit an annotated bibliography of a minimum of three secondary sources you will use for your project. An annotated … Read more

Identify the main arguments and evidence the author presents to support his/her thesis.

The student write one eight-page double spaced typed bibliographical essay on George B. McClellan and Civil War History . He/she will write the essay following the format outlined in Mary Lynn Rampolla’s A Pocket Guide to Writing History(Fourth Edition, Bedford/ St. Martin’s). In the bibliographical essay, he/she should clearly identify the thesis of the book. … Read more