Define the experience of your family, or a particular family ancestor(s), or someone(s) whose experience you are familiar with, and portray the immigration experience(s) coming from their native homeland, crossing to the U.S, the process of “assimilation”, and what to you was the eventual outcome of this experience(s).

Coming to America Define the experience of your family, or a particular family ancestor(s), or someone(s) whose experience you are familiar with, and portray the immigration experience(s) coming from their native homeland, crossing to the U.S, the process of “assimilation”, and what to you was the eventual outcome of this experience(s). Next, relate that experience … Read more

Explain how Senator Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations within the speech. What specific threats did these nations pose?

McCarthyism and Anti-Communist Campaigns. Explain how Senator Joseph McCarthy defined communist nations within the speech. What specific threats did these nations pose? Assess if Senator Joseph McCarthy charges were accurate. Analyze anti-communist sentiments during the Cold War era, were these sentiments valid. If so, how? If not, why not? Explain if there are other examples … Read more

Explain if the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s effectively changed the nation.

The Civil Rights Movement Explain if the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s effectively changed the nation. What effect would the Civil Rights Acts have across the continent on minority groups? Do you think that the tactics and strategies that civil rights activists used in the 1960s would apply to today’s racial and ethnic conflicts? … Read more

Discuss two Supreme Court cases, provided details on results of the case and the reasoning of the justices.

Presidential Emergency Powers. Discuss  Historical Emergencies in American History and give a description of three historical instances and political push back constitutionality of presidential emergency actions. Discuss two Supreme Court cases, provided details on results of the case and the reasoning of the justices. Writing Style APA . The entire document should be double-spaced on … Read more

In your essay, briefly describe your five choices, how you would portray them in the exhibit, and, most important, why you chose these five historical moments.

  Critical Moments in Modern American History Congratulations! You have been chosen as the curator for a new exhibit, “Finding the American Dream: Five Critical Moments in Modern American History,” which will be featured in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this exhibit is to give museum visitors an … Read more

In your essay, briefly describe your five choices, how you would portray them in the exhibit, and, most important, why you chose these five historical moments.

Scenario You have been chosen as the curator for a new exhibit, “Finding the American Dream: Five Critical Moments in Modern American History,” which will be featured in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this exhibit is to give museum visitors an opportunity to think about the idea of … Read more

In your essay, briefly describe your five choices, how you would portray them in the exhibit, and, most important, why you chose these five historical moments.

Historical moments. Congratulations! You have been chosen as the curator for a new exhibit, “Finding the American Dream: Five Critical Moments in Modern American History,” which will be featured in the National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. The purpose of this exhibit is to give museum visitors an opportunity to think about the … Read more

Select one song that reflects one of more themes presented in the poem selected.: In paragraph one, evaluate the poem you selected.

Writing the Nation Step 1: Read the about the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes, and Countee Cullen in the Writing the Nation: A Concise Introduction to American Literature, and select one of the following poems to analyze: “Christ in Alabama” “Negro Speaks of Rivers” “Theme for English B” “Heritage” “Yet I do Marvel” Step 2: Select … Read more

Discuss the literary work as a product of particular historical, political, social, or intellectual concerns of the era in which it was produced. You may also discuss how the work may have challenged those concerns.

Hughes’s poem, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Discuss the literary work as a product of particular historical, political, social, or intellectual concerns of the era in which it was produced. You may also discuss how the work may have challenged those concerns. Essay 1 Length: 3 pages minimum Format: Use MLA guidelines