What are some of the actual environmental, economic, agronomic (yield) and social outcomes of the two major GM trait technologies?

How do other resources impact or influence your chosen resource Selecting 2 prompts and write about them Choose 2 of the 4 prompts below, and provide a complete response. Be sure that you address the full prompt, and demonstrate your completion of course content by using examples from class. You may use drawings, other creative … Read more

Provide a professional report which considers and evaluates a number of issues that are outlined below.

Professional report Provide a professional report which considers and evaluates a number of issues that are outlined below. a. Using the British Geological Survey (BGS) Geology of Britain viewer tool, the soil type for the site has been identified as Winter Hill Gravel (a gravel and sand mix). Borehole surveys at nearby sites reveal a … Read more

Demonstrates how the effective use of data analytics can help employees and managers at all levels, in many different industries, make better decisions.

Big Data and the Internet of Things Drive Precision Agriculture 1) Demonstrates how the effective use of data analytics can help employees and managers at all levels, in many different industries, make better decisions. 2) Using a University or College of Agriculture as an example, explain how you think technology could help a company with … Read more

The Forsaken One : Research and write about the history of hemp in America and the uses of it back in the day.

Hemp, The Forsaken One Research and write about the history of hemp in America and the uses of it back in the day. Research the false, The Forsaken One advertising related to hemp in the 1930s that sparked the war on drugs. Furthermore, talk about the future of hemp and how it is becoming increasingly … Read more

Marketing: Explain and evaluate global production systems of major global agricultural commodities. 

Marketing Appraise the impacts of food policy and globalization on food markets. Explain and evaluate global production systems of major global agricultural commodities. Analyze the characteristics of global agricultural markets and marketing strategies. Word count: 4500 words  

Cannabis: discuss on how the public can be educated and how to create awareness.

Cannabis Expand on the point being made about patients regarding their understanding of the side effects of medical cannabis and the implications of higher doses. Expand on how the buds and seeds can be used differently depending on the THC levels. in depth on this for at least a page. Include how to correctly collect … Read more

Write a technical report on the best practice weaning management of pigs 

Animal Production Systems – Pig Weaning Management Write a technical report on the best practice weaning management of pigs In writing your report you should read around the topic to familiarize yourself with the subject and then thoroughly research the issue using appropriate technical and scientific journals available in the library and online.

Explain why high-income households will tend to have lower price elasticities of demand for food compared with low-income households, all other things being equal.

True and False If an increase in the price of Arnott’s biscuits from $2 to $2.50 a packet causes quantity demanded to decrease from 8,500 to 7,500 packets a day, the demand for Arnott’s biscuits within this price range is price inelastic. If the demand for Flora margarine is price elastic, its manufacturer should raise … Read more