What did Walker and Garnet find most horrific about slavery, and how did they want enslaved people to respond to their conditions?

Writing Assignment On David Walker’s Appeal and Henry Highland Garnet’s “An Address to the Slave’s of the United States”. Compare and contrast the two documents, examining how each author depicted slavery, and what solutions they offered for liberation. What did Walker and Garnet find most horrific about slavery, and how did they want enslaved people … Read more

Write a 4-5 page research analysis on the historical significance of the marker. Did the information presented on the marker represent accurate information? Was there any information or stories left out that could change the interpretation of that history? What evidence or counter-narratives exist?

Civil Rights Historical Marker/Landmark Project. Write a 4-5 page research analysis on the historical significance of the marker. Did the information presented on the marker represent accurate information? Was there any information or stories left out that could change the interpretation of that history? What evidence or counter-narratives exist? How do those sponsoring the marker … Read more

AJA Review #1-Explain how this article contributes to understanding the history of African American History.

AJA Review #1 Identify key details and specific analysis from the AJA Personal likes/dislikes and how could the author make the work stronger? The recommended audience for the article? Explain how this article contributes to understanding the history of African American History Suggested reading, movies, museums, websites to accompany this work.

Ethics of Anita Hill Clarence Thomas Case-Consider the ethical dilemmas surrounding the case of Anita Hill and then Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas.

Ethics of Anita Hill  Clarence Thomas Case. Consider the ethical dilemmas surrounding the case of Anita Hill and then Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas. Clearly lay out/discuss your ethical values as it relates to this case as well as the ethics represented by the ruling/court decision. Apply  ethical values and what you have been taught … Read more