Draw a network diagram and establish the Critical Path.

Network analysis QUESTION 3 Munyash construction has tabled the following activities to be rolled out for the up-coming project in Midlands. Activity Preceding Activity Normal time in days Crash time in days Normal costs S Crash costs $ A-B 5 3 650 850 A-C – 6 3 750 1 050 A-E – 8 7 950 … Read more

Do you think that a lender, in general, in arranging so-called “structured financing” has a responsibility to ensure that its clients account for the financing in an appropriate fashion, or is this the responsibility of the client and its auditor?

Critical Thinking Who are the stakeholders in this situation? Do you think that a lender, in general, in arranging so-called “structured financing” has a responsibility to ensure that its clients account for the financing in an appropriate fashion, or is this the responsibility of the client and its auditor? What effect did the fact that … Read more

How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes draft a personal mission statement. Draft an entrepreneurial mission statement for a future organization.Identify your core values. What are your core values?

Reflection paper How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes draft a personal mission statement. Draft an entrepreneurial mission statement for a future organization.Identify your core values. What are your core values? The paper should be at least 2 full pages long, 10 or 12 point font double spaced with standard margins.

If you were an upper-level manager at Walmart, what kinds of decisions would you expect to make regarding the company’s challenges?

Walmart. 1.According to Walmart, ninety percent of people in the United States live within ten miles of one of its stores.What does this say about the nature of for-profit business in the United States? What might such a map have looked like one hundred years ago? 2.If you were an upper-level manager at Walmart, what … Read more

What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? How do you anticipate this field will change over the next 5 years? What are the ethical challenges that you may encounter as this field evolves ? How would you approach those issues?

Ethical Issues in a Changing Work Environment Using the information obtained from the Reflective Writing resources craft a reflection paper focused on the ethical challenges associated with evolving work environments. What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? How do you anticipate this field will change over the next 5 years? What are … Read more

What happens to the concept of loyalty between worker and employer if we move to a mostly gig economy?

Gig Work Have you ever been a gig worker? A recent study found that 37 percent of U.S. workers participate in the gig economy, and government and other estimates say 40 percent will be working outside traditional full-time jobs by 2020. Clearly the gig economy is not a fad. The issue is often whether it … Read more

Watch a movie about a business scandal and/then research the scandal. Research and discuss the particulars of the case and ethical issues.

Business Scandal Analysis. Watch a movie about a business scandal and/then research the scandal. Research and discuss the particulars of the case and ethical issues. What was the outcome for the organization and perpetrators? How do you believe most people would act in a similar circumstance? How would you react and what could you do … Read more

Watch a movie about a business scandal and/then research the scandal. If you are unable to watch a movie/documentary about a scandal then just research it . Prepare a paper that analyzes the scandal.

Business scandal Analysis Watch a movie about a business scandal and/then research the scandal. If you are unable to watch a movie/documentary about a scandal then just research it . Prepare a paper that analyzes the scandal. The analysis should be longer than three full pages. The entire submission should consist of at least 5 … Read more

What industry do you plan to pursue a career in? What are the ethical challenges that you may encounter in this field ? How would you approach those issues? Think about where you might draw your line in the sand.

Ethical Issues in Your Chosen Career ** text book –https://openstax.org/books/business-ethics/pages/9-introduction ****Current job is a Staff Accountant at a Property Management Company.**** Using the information obtained from the Reflective Writing resources craft a reflection paper focused on the ethical challenges associated with the industry you plan to have a career in. What industry do you plan … Read more