Which of the following is not a component of a time value of money calculation? the amount of cash to be received,the time until the cash will be received,the opportunity costs of the alternative actions,the required rate of return.

Capital Budgeting and Budgetary Planning and Control Capital expenditure decisions Are useful estimating inventory acquisition costs. Always involve the acquisition of long-lived assets. Consist of a final of approved projects. All of these answer choices are correct, Which of the following is not a component of a time value of money calculation? The amount of … Read more

Describe the internal control , the objective of the control and how the control relates to the accounting records

GO TO A STORE (Retail or Grocery) AND SHOP FOR INTERNAL CONTROLS The students are to go a local store and observe the internal controls in action in a business. The student is to describe the internal control , the objective of the control and how the control relates to the accounting records. Please indicate … Read more

Write a paper about discrimination in the workplace.

Discrimination In The Workplace. Write a paper about discrimination in the workplace. What does discrimination mean to you personally? What does discrimination mean according to the law? What should YOU do if you know of someone violating this statute? What should an employer do if someone claims employer is violating this statute?

Working Capital-Analyze the fundamental differences between the working capital structures and components for each chosen company and speculate upon the main reasons why such differences exist.

Working Capital. Using the Internet or Strayer databases, choose two different companies and research the components of their respective working capital structures. Analyze the fundamental differences between the working capital structures and components for each chosen company and speculate upon the main reasons why such differences exist. Make at least two recommendations as to how … Read more

Compare and contrast the early historical accounting for post-retirement health care and life insurance benefits with the guidance or rules in place today.

Accounting for Pensions and Other Post-retirement Benefits. Compare and contrast the early historical accounting for post-retirement health care and life insurance benefits with the guidance or rules in place today. Make at least two recommended changes to the guidance or rules that you believe would improve the financial accounting and reporting of the benefits in … Read more

Compare the organization’s reporting of pledges and contributions to reporting of exchange transactions. Discuss the funds that are used.

Financial Reporting Review of a Not-for-Profit Organization. Select one not-for-profit organization in an area of interest to you and review the financial statements and audit reports for the organization. Analyze the selected not-for-profit’s financial statements to determine if the statements conform to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) guidance in Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations. … Read more

Define the topic through a summary of the general focus / motivation of project that should demonstrate a coherent finance or accounting based approach to the chosen topic.

Accounting with Statistics (SPSS REQUIRED) Define the topic through a summary of the general focus / motivation of project that should demonstrate a coherent finance or accounting based approach to the chosen topic. The research question to be investigated should also be clearly explained in this section