Sarah doesn’t know what any of this stuff means-please write a memo to her as if she is a client of a financial planner.

Part 1: You’re at a family party when your cousin, Sarah, approaches you admitting she knows “nothing about money.” She is starting a new job at UConn and has a choice between a 401k and a pension. She really wants to make the smart choice and asks for your advice. In order to vest in … Read more

Using an exemplar cost value reconciliation (CVR) report, identify and explain pertinent information required to monitor profit and loss during construction projects.

Contractor commercial Management. You have just been hired as a new commercial manager for a reputable contracting firm, ACE Contracting. ACE Contracting is specialize in executing large scale commercial building projects. However, the firm has faced a significant reduction in its profitability in the past few years. An internal review was conducted on completed projects … Read more

Provide a Statement of purpose that convey your reasons for undertaking graduate work, relevant experience, career objectives, and how you selected your desired field.

Statement of Purpose Your Statement of Purpose should be approximately 1-2 pages, double-spaced, in 12 point font. Provide a Statement of purpose that convey your reasons for undertaking graduate work, relevant experience, career objectives, and how you selected your desired field.  

What information would you need from Sarah in order to give her sound advice?

Individual case 2 Part 1: You’re at a family party when your cousin, Sarah, approaches you admitting she knows “nothing about money.” She is starting a new job at UConn and has a choice between a 401k and a pension. She really wants to make the smart choice and asks for your advice. In order … Read more

Prepare a Power Point presentation discussing what recommendations you would make to your client, given the information , and what you have learned in this course.

Software, and interpreting results . Project Information: As a new employee a local accounting firm, your first client is the Orlando University Bookstore. Jack Stone, the manager, would like some advice on several aspects of the bookstore’s accounting information system. Writing Assignment : Prepare a Power Point presentation discussing what recommendations you would make to … Read more

Demonstrate an understanding of how to carry out accounting research projects, how to structure them, and of the methods available to gather and to analyze data, and to present results.

Can Financial Ratios Predict Bankruptcy? Font size: 12 points (preferably Times New Roman or Arial) Line spacing: 1.5 lines References style: APA 7th edition This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes for CW2: 1) Conduct an effective literature review with the synthesis and critical evaluation to be expected ofsuch an activity. 2) Demonstrate an … Read more

Submit a 2 page memo to the manager summarizing your comprehensive risk assessment based on your reports from last week and how you suggest the risks identified be mitigated including an analysis of internal controls.

Project Writing, using software, and interpreting results is a large part of your learning experience. These assignments are designed to improve your use of technology and communication skills. Using proper business English and resources from the library you will comment and share your research with your classmates. Make sure you note your source in proper … Read more

Based on the database you created in Week 1, make any modifications you feel are needed now that you have additional knowledge of databases and add 20 more records to your original database.

Data Based on the database you created in Week 1, make any modifications you feel are needed now that you have additional knowledge of databases and add 20 more records to your original database. Use at least 2 features of Excel’s database functions to perform an analysis on your data,one of which needs to be … Read more

Gender : Develop the skills involved in planning and designing small-scale research projects in Management and/or Marketing.

Gender Develop the skills involved in planning and designing small-scale research projects in Management and/or Marketing. With this in mind, the assignment requires you to work through the following process: Choosing a topic Searching and reviewing literature Critically evaluating published research Identifying a research question and objective(s) Selecting a suitable case study for data collection … Read more