Write 2 pages discussion, and then refer to your discussion.

Write 2 pages discussion, and then refer to your discussion, read file named" reflection" write 2 pages reflection, other files is helpful material. my background : Chinese student ,internship in China Off-school Education Magazine Company, design and edit curriculum

What are the methodological questions primatologists should think about when collecting their data?

1. Briefly describe the species you studied, the locations of the Zoo(s)/areas, and what time of day (at the site!) you did your observations. 2. Why did you choose to compare these two species? (e.g., “I chose to compare a spider monkeys, New World species and colobus monkeys, an Old World monkey species, because …”) … Read more

Evaluate transparency and clarity in the ESG performance indicators;-Are there important actions in key ESG areas?

ANALYSIS OF THE REPORTING ON ESG FACTORS Comparing the E, S ,G for the 2 companies using the methods and criteria that we practiced in class. This part should show tables and graphs with an explanation of what these tables and graphs show and the conclusions you can make based on the results presented in … Read more

What are the aspects of your selected religion that would make it vulnerable to Christian apologetic argument.

Write a ten (10) page, double spaced, research paper focusing in on one “religion of the city.” In this paper, zoom in on how you can respond to, minister/share the Gospel with, and develop relationships with your selected religious demographic (it must be one of the four groups that are studied in this course). What … Read more

Analyze and evaluate a prominent, ethical or unethical entrepreneur in the business world.

Critical Analysis essay (4 to 6 pages, excluding cover and reference pages). You will be required to use APA formatting and conduct research. For this particular assignment, you will be Analyze and evaluate a prominent, ethical or unethical entrepreneur in the business world. You will explore a specific case/event pertaining to that individual.

Discuss the accept/reject decision process of the Hotels RUS capital budgeting analyst in terms of both risk and return of these projects (A, B and C).

The cost of capital reflects the cost of financing new projects/investments for a company. Currently the cost of capital for an average company in the Hotel/Gaming industry is about 6.1%. In other words, for an average company in the hotel/gaming industry about $6.10 of every $100 raised through all sources of financing goes to pay … Read more

Describe the two types of risks that changes in interest rates can lead to for a bank. Use examples to illustrate.

Choose three (3) of the following questions (questions are 13 points each). Please show all your calculations for the Problems. 1. Find and post below the following three charts: The most recent (any day the week of 4/5/2021) and the 1-Year Ago Treasury Yield Curve; The 10-Year Breakeven Inflation Rate (from April 1, 2020 to … Read more

Clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article. This should be an improved version of your Week 4 submission.

Explain that this paper is a summary of the assigned article Explain that the impact of the article contents on your own future practice will be presented Length of Introduction must be 50-75 words Assigned Article Summary Clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article. This should be an improved version of your Week … Read more