What is the role of the group leader in the Psychodrama Approach?

Psychodrama approach in psychotherapy. During the initial phase of group formation, what kinds of norms would you be most interested in introducing to a group? What is the role of the group leader in the Psychodrama Approach? Discuss your comfort level with including the techniques of spontaneity and creativity as described in the Psychodrama approach … Read more

E-Commerce-Describe why it is challenging to properly categorize the various e-commerce business models.

E-Commerce. Describe why it is challenging to properly categorize the various e-commerce business models. What difficulties is Amazon encountering with their plan to expand into new and emerging markets? What is the foundational business model enacted by Amazon? What modifications to this model has Amazon made since the business was created?

Analyze ConAgra’s problems with its old system. How did it change operational activities and terms. What management, organization, and decision making at ConAgra ?

Review the case study ConAgra’s Recipe for a Better Human Resources System at the end. What were the benefits of the new system? Analyze ConAgra’s problems with its old system. How did it change operational activities and terms. What management, organization, and decision making at ConAgra ? How successful technology factors were responsible for these … Read more

Use theoretical frameworks to critically discuss how this can impact on a young person’s identity and the implications for practice when working with young people.

Explores how young people have been constructed within your chosen source. Use theoretical frameworks to critically discuss how this can impact on a young person’s identity and the implications for practice when working with young people.