Evaluate the potential and actual risks that occurred during the merger and what the companies could have done differently to mitigate these risk.(company's annual report)

Evaluation of a Merger or Acquisition Much of the information  needed to complete this analysis are  found in the company's annual report. Choose any recent merger or acquisition (within the last 5 years). The completed project should include the information listed below.  Provide an introduction to the companies involved in the merger or acquisition. Include … Read more

Economics :Explain the importance of opportunity costs to decision making and how opportunity costs lead to trade.

Economics Unit I: Introduced the benefits of markets to improving outcomes for producers and consumers. Unit II examined the role of costs and prices in decision-making. For this assignment, you will answer a series of questions in the form of an essay. Support your answers with research from at least three peer-reviewed journal articles using … Read more

Read about deontological and consequential approaches to ethics and evaluate how well free market systems versus government intervention in markets address poverty and income inequality.

There is growing concern about poverty and income inequality. These two concepts, however, are not the same. Income inequality deals with the percentage of income earned by the different income groups, while poverty is concerned with how difficult it is for the poor to meet basic needs. In Section 1.4, read about deontological and consequential … Read more

‘Upper Saddle River’, what value do crime rates have in criminal justice policy development?

 Poland, James M. (2011). Understanding Terrorism: Groups, Strategies, and Responses, 3rd Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall & Surette, Ray (2015). Media, Crime and Criminal Justice: Images, Realities, and Policies, 5th Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. From above sources: Should private corporations be allowed to run our prisons? Are the mergers of City/County criminal justice … Read more

Considering the history, philosophy and values in public health, how does this influence your approach to improving health of the population?

Factors such as where we live, the state of our environment, genetics, our income and education level, and our relationships with friends and family all have considerable impacts on health, whereas the more commonly considered factors such as access and use of healthcare services often have less of an impact” (World Health Organization, 2015). Reflect … Read more

Distinguish between reasonable suspicion and probable cause methods used to investigate possible criminal activity.

Law enforcement officers use two methods to investigate possible criminal activity: reasonable suspicion and probable cause. Reasonable suspicion means officers have a reasonable belief, sometimes called a hunch, that criminal activity may have occurred. They have no hard evidence to support their belief. Probable cause is more concrete. Probable cause means officers are not just … Read more

Comparative government: France and Balerus: how are the issues in each of the two countries different?

Comparative government: France and Balerus Research on France and Balerus Analysis  How are the issues in each of the two countries different? How are they the same? Are these differences impacted by the type of government existing in each country? What can you say about the government’s ability to solve these problems? Are there any … Read more