What differentiates human spoken languages from animal communication systems? Use at least five of Hockett’s (1960) design features of language to support your answer.

What differentiates human spoken languages from animal communication systems? Use at least five of Hockett’s (1960) design features of language to support your answer.

What is or are the best explanations offered for human failures at the Wason selection task? Why are certain poorer (candidate) explanations to be rejected?

How can Optic Ataxia support the argument for the existence of separate ‘what’ and ‘how/where’ pathways within the brain?

Discuss evidence that declarative and non-declarative memories exists as separate stores in LTM.

Critically discuss the differences between Marr’s (1982) computational model of object recognition and Biederman’s (1987) recognition-by-components theory.