Restate the problem as an IT research question: “How can we create/design a system to … (solve the problem)?”

Case 1 University Wide Course System.

What are the 2 – 3 strategic goals for the project discussed in this case?

What is the business problem they are trying to solve here?

Restate the problem as an IT research question: “How can we create/design a system to … (solve the problem)?”

List the requirements of the system (the business processes or user experience that must the system must perform).

List the features per requirement (What the system does).

List the functions per feature (How the system does it).

Explain the system presented in this case? (Narrative: Summary and Background)

Who are the primary stakeholders in this system? (Use bullets)

Who are the secondary stakeholders in this system? (Use bullets)

What do you think the author wants you to learn from this case? (Narrative)

What made the result in this case a success or a failure? (Narrative)