Write a 4-5 page research analysis on the historical significance of the marker. Did the information presented on the marker represent accurate information? Was there any information or stories left out that could change the interpretation of that history? What evidence or counter-narratives exist?

Civil Rights Historical Marker/Landmark Project.

Write a 4-5 page research analysis on the historical significance of the marker. Did the information presented on the marker represent accurate information? Was there any information or stories left out that could change the interpretation of that history? What evidence or counter-narratives exist?

How do those sponsoring the marker choose to remember history? What might be shaping their understanding of a historical event, place, person, etc?

How does the content of the marker relate to any themes or readings we have discussed in class?

In the process of doing research, how did it further enrich your understanding of the civil rights movement and the black freedom struggle in the United States? Why is public memory and preservation important? Ma