BMW Case Study-Examine and apply the consumer-buying process for BMW. Identify the steps and the application to BMW. How does this process assist the marketing team at BMW?

BMW Case Study.

Evaluate this case, and respond to each of the following questions using both theory and practical managerial thinking.

Examine and apply the consumer-buying process for BMW. Identify the steps and the application to BMW. How does this process assist the marketing team at BMW?

How could data analytics be used to research the consumer in order to ensure a strong understanding of overall business and marketing outcomes at BMW?

What does BMW do well to target each of these groups, and what could it do better? Within your response, include the process of segmentation.

Discuss the external environment through the compilation of a PEST (political, economic, socio-cultural, and technology) analysis.

Discuss the internal and external environment through the compilation of a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.


Identify at least one organizational problem that BMW is currently having or one in which you project it will have in the future. Base this upon your research and critical thinking.


Compile three or four potential marketing-related solutions to the problem above. Remember that these are potential alternatives; you will not select all of the alternatives to solve the problem.

Recommendation (Marketing Strategy)

Select one or two of the alternatives above to solve the problem that you identified in this case analysis.

Discuss your rationale for choosing these and not the others. Include supporting research that will increase the depth of your analysis.