Australian Taxation-Calculate Mirzy’s taxable income and income tax payable in Worksheet B.

Australian Taxation.

Complete the template of client notes (on LMS) in Worksheet A that will help you decide what is relevant to Mirzy’s 2021 tax return. For each item state:

Should it be included in the tax return – Yes/No

Give a reason as to why you would or would not include it in the tax return

State a relevant section of the tax law to support your answers in i) and ii).

List other items that you think are relevant that have not been included in the template under Other Income and Other Deductions.

Calculate Mirzy’s taxable income and income tax payable in Worksheet B.

Mirzy works in the sun and also wears a work uniform. He believes he cannot claim any deductions for sunglasses and laundering of the uniform as he does not have receipts or a logbook.

In 50 words or less in Worksheet C advise Mirzy if he is correct and the amount that could be claimed for these, if in fact any amount is claimable.