Using a table, compare and contrast between MPP and SMP in terms of their strengths,weaknesses and application areas.

Big Data Management course study summary.

Summarize and reflect what you have learned from this course about conceptual modeling in big data management. Illustrate, with diagrams and explanation, the use of conceptual modeling in your group project.

Search from external sources for more detail information about ECL which is used inside HPCC environment. Describe ECL’s declarative programming constructs especially how its AI features
can solve BDA problems with task-parallelism nature.

Data & Task Parallelism

Summarize and reflect what you have learned from this course about data parallelism and task parallelism.

Design a full example (case scenario requiring “composite-key; multiple-value” key-value pair,
e.g. {city + day, max temp + min temp}; 30 sets of raw data to be split into 2 data nodes;
Map Reduce 5-stage solutions) illustrating your understanding of data parallelism. This example’s
solution format should be similar to class exercises 3 or 4 but the scenario and raw data must be
totally different.

Tools and techniques for big data

Using a table, compare and contrast between MPP and SMP in terms of their strengths,weaknesses and application areas.

Find another big data platform (except HPCC and Spark) similar to Hadoop. Compare (using a
table) this platform with Hadoop in terms of features, strengths and weaknesses.

Data governance for big data management
Summarize and reflect what you have learned from this course about the five key concepts for
big data oversight.

Illustrate your understanding of dimensions for measuring the quality of information used for
BDA with one example for each dimension.

NoSQL Database.
Using a table, compare and contrast (in terms of structure, advantages, disadvantages, and
application areas) the four types of NoSQL database which you have learned in this course.

Find one workable column-oriented NoSQL database product in the IT vendors’ market, and
describe it including features and price. Critically analyze why and how this NoSQL database can
be used inside the case of “What does Big Data have to do with an owl?