Trash or the justice system-What is the issue? Identify the dilemma that makes moral choice and action difficult in this instance, as delineated by the essays.

The possible dilemmata for this paper are: Trash or the justice system.

What is the issue? Identify the dilemma that makes moral choice and action difficult in this instance, as delineated by the essays.

What are the “positions” on the issue as portrayed by the essays that we’ve read (what is the argument/point made by each author, are they just trying to elucidate the facts of the matter, are they arguing for a policy or moral position, etc.)

What do they bring to the table as evidence?

What philosophical school (virtue ethics, natural law, consequentialist, de-ontological) might you analyze this dilemma with best, and/or does it mix approaches?

Where are the possible holes in your analysis?

Factual (be aware of the axioms to do with your argument: are they flawed or requiring further precision or argumentation? Is there the possibility that your citations of cases fundamentally unrealistic (“red herring”) or irrelevant?

Logical (are there ways in which the truth of your premises might NOT make your conclusions necessary?)