Obstructive Versus Restrictive Airway Disease or Cystic Fibrosis.

Obstructive Versus Restrictive Airway Disease or Cystic Fibrosis

Choose one is ease and one restrictive respiratory disease and discuss the following:
What are the similarities and differences in the pathophysiology of these two diseases?

What signs and symptoms will the nurse assess for in each disease?

Are the signs and symptoms the same or different between the two diseases?

What are the effects of age related to the diseases?

Locate at least one evidence-based resource containing information on this disease. Provide a brief summary of something you learned from the resource.
Cystic Fibrosis

Why does Cara have cystic fibrosis and Dylan does not?

What are the risks of Dylan and Cara passing on cystic fibrosis if they have children?

What are some strategies their mother might use in the following situations?
Dylan gets a cold or the flu

Planning meals they will both like

Ensuring Cara and Dylan have optimal opportunities to play with other children. Can they go to daycare or play dates?

Ensuring Dylan does not feel left out because of the additional time and attention Cara must receive due to her health issues

Locate at least one evidence-based resource containing information on this disease.

Provide a brief summary of something you learned from the resource.