Comment on expanding nuclear power as a source of energy that produces little greenhouse gas emissions. Is it reasonable-What are the risks and rewards?

Extra Credit Assignment

Consider and address any one (1) of the three (3) issues below. You may only choose one. You must ar-gue in favor of a specific position. For example, if the issue were to consider the possibility of solar pan-els to generate a scufficiently large amount of electricity to reduce significantly our reliance on fossil fu-els within two decades, then you could argue any of several positions. You could argue that it is not fea-sible to do so, you could argue that it is, or you could argue some intermediate position. You must con-struct a written argument that fills fewer than three (3) written pages in 12pt font. Your position must be stated clearly and unambiguously. Your argument must be based primarily upon evidence and theory and as little as possible upon anecdotes or opinions. Your argument must cite at least two reputable sources. In general, the vast majority of blog posts, youtube videos, and even a large number of newspapers are not reputable sources. You may ask me to suggest reputable sources if you are having trouble.

The Issues:
(1) Comment on the amount of energy used in two scenarios. In the first scenario, most Americans obtain most of their consumer goods and groceries from brick-and-mortar shops. In the second scenario, most Americans obtain their consumer goods and groceries from large on-line retailers such as Amazon.
(2) Comment on the widespread use of wave and tidal power as a source of renewable energy. Does it seem reasonable? Can it be a significant part of our future energy budget?
(3) Comment on expanding nuclear power as a source of energy that produces little greenhouse gas emissions. Is it reasonable? What are the risks and rewards?