Explain the need for training and development in this scenario.Describe the purpose of the training plan and program objectives.


You are the newly appointed director of training and development for a midsize construction company, Alliah Construction, operating in five states in the northeastern United States. Although you have been on the job for only a short time, a project requires your immediate attention.

One service provided by your company is residential roofing installation, repair, and replacement. Each job is performed by a crew consisting of an on-site supervisor and laborers with varied skill levels. Although management knows that construction work is inherently dangerous, the company has experienced three serious accidents on roofing jobs in the past month. An accident report from an OSHA inspector identified numerous safety violations that could have contributed to the accidents.

Senior management has directed you to plan and implement a mandatory training program on workplace safety for all roofing supervisors.

1. Explain the need for training and development in this scenario.

2. Describe the purpose of the training plan.

3. Describe the training program objectives.

4. Identify four safety skills gaps of roofing supervisors by comparing the attached “Injury and Illness Incident Report” and the attached “Position Description for Roofing Supervisor.”

5. Write a learning objective (for supervisors) for each of the four skills gaps identified in part A4.

6. Describe a desired behavior change that supervisors will demonstrate as a result of the training they receive for each of the four learning objectives identified in part A5.

7. Recommend whether to develop the program internally and/or externally, and then justify your recommendation.

8. Recommend two training delivery methods that are appropriate for the learning objectives identified in part A5, and then justify your recommendations.

9. Describe the facility (or facilities) where the training will take place based on your chosen delivery methods from part A8, and then justify your choice of facility.

10. Identify who should facilitate the safety training to the roofing supervisors, and then justify your choice.

11. Describe a process for pilot testing the safety training before delivery of the training to all roofing supervisors. In your description, include the following points:

12. Explain how you would communicate the importance of the safety training program to roofing supervisors and motivate them to participate in the program.

13. Explain how each learning objective from part A5 will be evaluated after training using Kirkpatrick’s level 2 or level 3 method.

14. Describe two specific examples of supervisor behavior that would prove that training transfer has occurred.