Write evidence-based patient-centered care report on the patient scenario presented in the Evidence-Based Health Evaluation and Application media piece.

Write evidence-based patient-centered care report on the patient scenario presented in the Evidence-Based Health Evaluation and Application media piece.

Base your report on the information provided by the traumatic brain injury expert from the population health improvement initiative (PHII) described in the media activity and your own evidence-based research on this population health issue.

Apply evidence-based practice in patient-centered care and population health improvement contexts. , Evaluate what the evidence suggests is an appropriate approach for a personalized patient care plan, and determine which aspects of the approach could be applied to similar situations and patients.

Assume primary care for a patient and develop a plan for follow-up care.

Determine which aspects of the traumatic brain injury (TBI) approach could be applied to similar situations and patients.

Your Role
Provide primary patient care, including a follow-up care plan. revisit the interview with the community TBI expert and prepare a personalized health plan for the patient.

Evaluate the expected outcomes of the population health improvement initiative (PHII) that the community expert reported based on data.

Describe the outcomes that were achieved, their positive effects on the community’s health, and any variance across demographic groups.

Describe the outcomes that were not achieved, the extent to which they fell short of expectations and any variance across demographic groups.

Identify the factors (for example: institutional, community,environmental, resources, communication) that may have contributed to any achievement shortfalls.

Propose a strategy for improving the outcomes of the PHII for traumatic head injuries.

Describe the corrective measures you would take in the PHII to address the factors that may have contributed to achievement shortfalls.

Cite the evidence (from similar projects, research, or professional organization resources) that supports the corrective measures you are

Explain how the evidence illustrates the likelihood of improved outcomes if
your proposed strategy is enacted.

Develop a personalized patient care plan for the patient from the scenario that incorporates lessons learned from the PHII outcomes.

Identify a personalized care approach that addresses the patient’s:
Individual health needs.

Economic and environmental realities.

Culture and family.

Explain how the lessons learned from the PHII informed the decisions you
made in your personalized care plan for the patient.

Incorporate references to the best available evidence from the population
health improvement initiative and other relevant sources.

Identify the level of evidence and describe the value it brings to personalize care for your patient.

Identify the level of evidence for each resource you referenced.

Explain why each piece of evidence is valuable and appropriate for the
community health issue you are trying to address and for the unique
situation of your patient and his family.

Propose an evaluation strategy to assess the outcomes of your personalized care approach.

Identify measurable criteria that are relevant to your desired outcomes.

Explain why the criteria are appropriate and useful measures of success.

Determine the specific aspects of your approach that are most likely to be
transferable to other individual cases.