Choose a work of art from one of the Postmodern artists listed below. What is the subject matter of the art you chose?What is the most dominant element or principle of art? Review the link below to learn more.What is the message of the art?

Conflict and resolution

Choose a work of art from one of the Postmodern artists listed below. Post the image directly to the Discussion Board. Include the title, date and materials used.

  1. Carolee Schneemann.
  2. Audrey Flack.
  3. The Guerilla Girls.
  4. Jeff Koons.
  5. Yoko Ono.
  6. Bruce Nauman.
  7. Barbara Kruger.

Answer the following questions:

What is the subject matter of the art you chose?What is the most dominant element or principle of art? Review the link below to learn more.What is the message of the art?

How does this fit in the Postmodern philosophy?What art would you create if you were an artist of the Postmodern style? Be specific. Give it a title.