Create a deployment plan for the 4-hour event to be presented to the police chief.

Deployment Plan

Imagine you are the commander of the police field operations bureau in which you are responsible for 30 police officers who will provide security for a community function. The community is roughly 150,000 in population, mainly a mix of working and middle class, with the primary religion being Christianity.

The community function is the Dogwood Festival honoring Easter. This festival occurs following sunrise Easter services and tracks through a middle-class neighborhood over a mile-long winding road. The residents have planted hundreds of dogwood trees, which will be in bloom. The mayor and city commission will lead the parade of citizens, with hundreds of vehicles, through the “Trail of Dogwoods.” This is a tradition in this strongly religious community and has been practiced for more than 50 years.

Several threats have been made on social media regarding this event. The regional joint terrorism task force has acknowledged that the threats are credible but unlikely. The threats originate from several anti-religious groups not known to be present in the area.

You have been tasked to develop a deployment plan for this event. The plan consists of 3 parts: deployment plan proposal, press release, and handout.

Create a deployment plan for the 4-hour event to be presented to the police chief.

Present your proposal to the police chief in a format using no more than 3 pages, double-spacing, and 12 Arial font or equivalent. Bullet formatting is acceptable.